This repository showcases how well Holos integrates with Kargo.
Two main uses cases are addressed:
- Automatically tracking updates to third party add-ons like Istio and cert-manager.
- Automatically promoting new versions of first-part containerized services, for example from dev to test, uat, then prod following the Sun from east to west.
First, see Local Cluster to get set up locally.
Fork the repository. Clone your fork to your local machine.
Set the correct git uri. Replace GH_USER with your github username.
cat <<EOF > "config/platform/platform_${USER}.cue"
@if(${USER} || ${GH_USER})
package platform
organization: repoURL: "${GH_USER}/kargo-demo.git"
Render the manifests with your configuration:
holos render platform -t $GH_USER
Commit and push the updated deploy directory.
git add deploy
git commit -m "Switch to $GH_USER fork"
git push
Create a GitHub App in the user or organization where your bank-of-holos fork resides.
In the GitHub App name
field, specify a unique name, for example Holos - Local Cluster 1733418802
produced by:
echo -n "Holos - Local Cluster $(date +%s)" | pbcopy
Set the Homepage URL
Under Webhook
, de-select Active
Under Permissions
→ Repository permissions
→ Contents
, select Read and write
permissions. The App will receive these permissions on all repositories
into which it is installed.
The git-open-pr
step requires write permission to pull requests. Add this
permission if you get the following error:
step execution failed: step 4 met error threshold of 1: failed to run step
"git-open-pr": error creating pull request: POST 403 Resource not
accessible by integration []
Under Where can this GitHub App be installed?
, leave Only on this account
Click Create GitHub App
Take note of the App ID
. In your shell store it for use later using:
export GITHUB_APP_ID=9999999
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Generate a private key
. The
resulting key will be downloaded immediately. Record the path to this file for
use later using:
export GITHUB_APP_KEY="$(ls -lrt1 ~/Downloads/holos-local-cluster*.private-key.pem | tail -1)"
On the left-hand side of the page, click Install App
Choose an account to install the App into by clicking Install
Select Only select repositories
and choose your bank-of-holos
Remember that the App will receive the permissions you selected earlier for all
repositories you grant access.
Click Install
In your browser's address bar, take note of the numeric identifier at the end of
the current page's URL. This is the Installation ID
. Save the installation id
for later.
For example,
is saved as:
export GITHUB_APP_INSTALL_ID=99999999
Generate a Kubernetes Secret to store the Kargo git credentials. We put this in
mkcert -CAROOT
so reset-cluster
restores it each time the local cluster is
Record the Git URL, the same as you set for Organization.RepoURL
export GITHUB_APP_REPO_URL="${GH_USER}/kargo-demo.git"
At this point you should have the following values, for example:
env | grep GITHUB_APP
Generate the secret:
Secret created, apply with:
kubectl apply -f ~/Library/Application\ Support/mkcert/kargo.yaml
The reset-cluster script will automatically apply this secret going forward.
And apply it or reset your cluster.
kubectl apply -f "$(mkcert -CAROOT)/kargo.yaml"
Then, reset your local cluster and apply all of the configuration in this repository.
time bash -c './scripts/reset-cluster && ./scripts/apply'
Should take about 1 minute.
Applying the configuration will:
- Configure the argocd, kargo, podinfo, and httpbin services.
- Configure ArgoCD to reconcile against your fork of this repository. Auto-sync is disabled for the demo.
- Configure Kargo to automatically promote new versions of podinfo, httpbin, and cert-manager.
- Configure an istio-promoter Application. If synced, this ArgoCD Application will configure Kargo to automatically create pull requests for new Istio versions.
Podinfo represents a first-party service one of the teams in our org owns. Kargo automatically promotes new container image tags from dev to test to uat, then waits for approval to promote to production.
Note https://kargo.holos.localhost routes to three backend namespaces, prod-us-east, prod-us-central, and prod-us-west, each with a different version.
Log into Kargo using the password:
kubectl get secret -n kargo admin-credentials -o json \
| jq --exit-status -r '.data.password | @base64d' \
| pbcopy
Browse to https://kargo.holos.localhost/project/podinfo
Kargo should have already promoted the new image from dev to test to uat and is waiting for your approval to promote to prod.