Cell is a nice raid frame addon inspired by several great addons, such as CompactRaid, Grid2, Aptechka and VuhDo. With a more human-friendly interface, Cell can provide a better user experience, better than ever. Hope you enjoy.
- Layouts: auto switch layout by spec/role, supports party, raid, arena, and battleground.
- Customizable Appearance: textures, colors and alphas.
- Built-in Click-Castings: supports keyboard and multi-button mouse.
- Indicators: dozens of built-in indicators and unlimited custom indicators (icon, bar, rect, text, icons).
- Raid Debuffs: debuffs priority and glow.
- Useful Raid Tools: ready check, countdown, rebuff, death report, marks, battleres.
- Nice Options UI: I mean yes it's pretty darn good!
- Spotlight Frame: extra 15 unit buttons, can be set to Target, Focus, Unit, Tank, etc.
- Quick Assist: for Augmentation Evokers!
- Compatibility: BigDebuffs, Class Colors, OmniCD and of course, WAs.
Try disabling all snippets if there are any issues.
Check https://github.com/enderneko/Cell/tree/master/.snippets for more snippets.
- Cell Options -> About -> Code Snippets
- New -> Paste -> Save -> Tick the AutoRun box
- Reload
- Custom border
- Changing layout based on group size
- Addons like Clique
Use /cell for more information.
- ULTIMATE Cell Raid Frames AddOn Setup GUIDE for HEALERS (Reat TV)
- Healer UI & Addon Guide for Dragonflight Season 4 (yumytv)
- Addon Spotlight: How to set up Cell + OmniCD for Augmentation Evoker (JFunkGaming)
- 团队框架插件 Cell 配置流程分享 (钛锬)
Use Instance Spell Collector to collect debuffs. Then create a PR or submit a ticket on GitHub.
If you want to help with the localization, please visit https://legacy.curseforge.com/wow/addons/cell/localization, instead of creating a PR.
- Before submitting any PRs related to new features or feature optimizations/changes, it's best to ask me first. Otherwise, there's a high chance they won't be accepted.
- Features that are listed as "not supported" above will be rejected.
If a PR is not accepted, it might not be because it's not good enough, it just doesn't align with my design philosophy.
For rejected PRs, I suggest you implement them through code snippets.
What I want to express is that I don't oppose any code snippets making changes to Cell, even if it's not what I envisioned.
Regardless, I appreciate all the contributions you've made!
Discord: https://discord.gg/9PSe3fKQGJ
简体中文介绍在这里: https://github.com/enderneko/Cell/blob/master/README_zhCN.md
NGA上的发布贴: https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=23488341