본 API는 CloudStack User API v3.0.0을 위한 Python 라이브러리이며, KT의 uclod biz 상품을 이용하기 위한 몇몇 기능이 추가된 버전으로, Jason Hancock [email protected]의 Python Client를 기반으로 하고 있습니다.
- 몇몇 기능들은 CloudStack User API와 호환되지 않습니다. (예, listAvailableProductTYpes는 cloud biz User API에만 있음)
- 자세한 API에 대한 기능은 http://cloudincubation.olleh.com/index.html Cloud Incubation Center 홈페이지를 참고
##업데이트 사항
- ucloud server api 지원
- ucloud packaging api지원
- ucloud loadblancer api 지원
$ git clone --recursive git://github.com/hongiiv/CloudStack_for_ucloudbiz.git
ucloud biz에 생성된 모든 vm의 목록 조회
import CloudStack
apikey='Your API KEY'
secret='Your SECRET KEY'
cloudstack = CloudStack.Client(api, apikey, secret)
vms = cloudstack.listVirtualMachines()
print "VmID\tName\tState\taccount\tdomian\tdomainid\tPassword"
for vm in vms:
print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (vm['id'], vm['name'], vm['account'], vm['domain'], vm['domainid'], vm['state'])
ucloud biz에서 사용 가능한 모든 상품의 목록 조회
import CloudStack
apikey='Your API KEY'
secret='Your SECRET KEY'
cloudstack = CloudStack.Client(api, apikey, secret)
products = cloudstack.listAvailableProductTypes()
print "============================================================================================================="
print "ProductID\tServiceOfferingID\tDesc\tTemplateID\tDesc\tDiskOfferingID\tDesc\tAvailable\tzoneid"
print "============================================================================================================="
for product in products['producttypes']:
if product['templatedesc'] == "Ubuntu 11.04 64bit":
print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s"%(product['productid'],product['serviceofferingid'],product['serviceofferingdesc'],product['templateid'],product['templatedesc'],product['diskofferingid'],product['diskofferingdesc'],product['productstate'],product['zoneid'])
print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s"%(product['productid'],product['serviceofferingid'],product['serviceofferingdesc'],product['templateid'],product['templatedesc'],product['diskofferingid'],product['diskofferingdesc'],product['productstate'],product['zoneid'])
ucloud biz 에서 사용중인 모든 로드밸런서에 등록된 모든 웹써버 리스트 조회
import CloudStack
# 로드밸런서는 api url 이 다릅니다.!!!
apikey='Your API KEY'
secret='Your SECRET KEY'
cloudstack = CloudStack.Client(api, apikey, secret)
lbs = cloudstack.listLoadBalancers()
for lb in lbs:
lbid = lb["loadbalancerid"]
wbs = cloudstack.listLoadBalancerWebServers({"loadbalancerid":str(lbid)})
for wb in wbs:
print wb
Asynchronous tasks
import CloudStack
api = 'http://example.com:8080/client/api'
apikey = 'API KEY'
secret = 'API SECRET'
cloudstack = CloudStack.Client(api, apikey, secret)
job = cloudstack.deployVirtualMachine({
'serviceofferingid': '2',
'templateid': '214',
'zoneid': '2'
print "VM being deployed. Job id = %s" % job['jobid']
print "All Jobs:"
jobs = cloudstack.listAsyncJobs({})
for job in jobs:
print "%s : %s, status = %s" % (job['jobid'], job['cmd'], job['jobstatus'])
There is a lot to do to clean up the code and make it worthy of production. This was just a rough first pass.