- NBPhoneNumberUtil
- NBAsYouTypeFormatter
- NBTextField.swift (Swift 3)
ARC only, or add the "-fobjc-arc" flag for non-ARC
Look up release tag name from https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber/releases and provide it as the first argument to swift metadataGenerator.swift
$ cd libPhoneNumberTests && swift metadataGenerator.swift <libPhoneNumber release tag name> && cd ..
Javascript exception thrown: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: window
Javascript exception thrown: Error: goog.require could not find: goog.proto2.Message
$ cd libPhoneNumber && ./GeneratePhoneNumberHeader.sh ../libPhoneNumberTests/generatedJSON/PhoneNumberMetaData.json ../libPhoneNumberTests/generatedJSON/ShortNumberMetadata.json ../libPhoneNumberTests/generatedJSON/PhoneNumberMetaDataForTesting.json && cd ..
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: libPhoneNumber/NBGeneratedPhoneNumberMetaData.h
modified: libPhoneNumberTests/generatedJSON/PhoneNumberMetaData.json
modified: libPhoneNumberTests/generatedJSON/PhoneNumberMetaDataForTesting.json
modified: libPhoneNumberTests/generatedJSON/ShortNumberMetadata.json
You can check phone number validation using below link. https://rawgit.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber/master/javascript/i18n/phonenumbers/demo-compiled.html
Please report, if the above results are different from this iOS library. Otherwise, please create issue to following link below to request additional telephone numbers formatting rule. https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber/issues
Metadata in this library was generated from that. so, you should change it first. :)
Using CocoaPods
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
pod 'libPhoneNumber-iOS', '~> 0.8'
Using Carthage
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
To integrate libPhoneNumber into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS"
And set the Embedded Content Contains Swift to "Yes" in your build settings.
Add source files to your projects from libPhoneNumber - Add "CoreTelephony.framework"
See sample test code from
[libPhoneNumber-iOS/libPhoneNumberTests/ ... Test.m] (https://github.com/iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS/tree/master/libPhoneNumberTests)
NBPhoneNumberUtil *phoneUtil = [[NBPhoneNumberUtil alloc] init];
NSError *anError = nil;
NBPhoneNumber *myNumber = [phoneUtil parse:@"6766077303"
defaultRegion:@"AT" error:&anError];
if (anError == nil) {
NSLog(@"isValidPhoneNumber ? [%@]", [phoneUtil isValidNumber:myNumber] ? @"YES":@"NO");
// E164 : +436766077303
NSLog(@"E164 : %@", [phoneUtil format:myNumber
// INTERNATIONAL : +43 676 6077303
NSLog(@"INTERNATIONAL : %@", [phoneUtil format:myNumber
// NATIONAL : 0676 6077303
NSLog(@"NATIONAL : %@", [phoneUtil format:myNumber
// RFC3966 : tel:+43-676-6077303
NSLog(@"RFC3966 : %@", [phoneUtil format:myNumber
} else {
NSLog(@"Error : %@", [anError localizedDescription]);
NSLog (@"extractCountryCode [%@]", [phoneUtil extractCountryCode:@"823213123123" nationalNumber:nil]);
NSString *nationalNumber = nil;
NSNumber *countryCode = [phoneUtil extractCountryCode:@"823213123123" nationalNumber:&nationalNumber];
NSLog (@"extractCountryCode [%@] [%@]", countryCode, nationalNumber);
2014-07-06 12:39:37.240 libPhoneNumberTest[1581:60b] isValidPhoneNumber ? [YES]
2014-07-06 12:39:37.242 libPhoneNumberTest[1581:60b] E164 : +436766077303
2014-07-06 12:39:37.243 libPhoneNumberTest[1581:60b] INTERNATIONAL : +43 676 6077303
2014-07-06 12:39:37.243 libPhoneNumberTest[1581:60b] NATIONAL : 0676 6077303
2014-07-06 12:39:37.244 libPhoneNumberTest[1581:60b] RFC3966 : tel:+43-676-6077303
2014-07-06 12:39:37.244 libPhoneNumberTest[1581:60b] extractCountryCode [82]
2014-07-06 12:39:37.245 libPhoneNumberTest[1581:60b] extractCountryCode [82] [3213123123]
import libPhoneNumberiOS
// Manually added
#import "NBPhoneNumberUtil.h"
#import "NBPhoneNumber.h"
// CocoaPods (check your library path)
#import "libPhoneNumber_iOS/NBPhoneNumberUtil.h"
#import "libPhoneNumber_iOS/NBPhoneNumber.h"
// add more if you want...
import libPhoneNumber_iOS
override func viewDidLoad() {
let phoneUtil = NBPhoneNumberUtil()
do {
let phoneNumber: NBPhoneNumber = try phoneUtil.parse("01065431234", defaultRegion: "KR")
let formattedString: String = try phoneUtil.format(phoneNumber, numberFormat: .E164)
NSLog("[%@]", formattedString)
catch let error as NSError {
NBAsYouTypeFormatter *f = [[NBAsYouTypeFormatter alloc] initWithRegionCode:@"US"];
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"6"]); // "6"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"5"]); // "65"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"0"]); // "650"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"2"]); // "650 2"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"5"]); // "650 25"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"3"]); // "650 253"
// Note this is how a US local number (without area code) should be formatted.
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"2"]); // "650 2532"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"2"]); // "650 253 22"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"2"]); // "650 253 222"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputDigit:@"2"]); // "650 253 2222"
// Can remove last digit
NSLog(@"%@", [f removeLastDigit]); // "650 253 222"
NSLog(@"%@", [f inputString:@"16502532222"]); // 1 650 253 2222