A fuzzy text selector for files and anything else you need to select
Inspired by Gary Bernhardt's selecta.
Unlike selecta, pyselecta doesn't include any interactive functionality. You give it a list of options and a search term and it returns matches.
$ pip install pyselecta
This will give you the pyselecta
shell command.
$ find . -type f | pyselecta "models"
This will return a newline separated list of file paths with the best candidate on top.
$ find . -type f | pyselecta
Omitting the search term just copies the stdin to stdout.
Unlike the original selecta, pyselecta works in MacVim, too.
Add this to your vimrc
let g:selecta_path = "pyselecta" function! SelectaMatch(items, str, limit, mmode, ispath, crfile, regex) let cachefile = ctrlp#utils#cachedir().'/selecta.cache' if !( filereadable(cachefile) && a:items == readfile(cachefile) ) call writefile(a:items, cachefile) endif if !filereadable(cachefile) return [] endif let cmd = "cat ".cachefile." | ".g:selecta_path." ".a:str return split(system(cmd), "\n") endfunction let g:ctrlp_match_func = {'match' : 'SelectaMatch' }
BSD, short and sweet