Follow this guide to authorize yourself in github's container registry.
Start a celestia network with single validator and bridge
docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml up --build --force-recreate -d
When deleting, remember to also delete subvolumes:
docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml down -v
To get the JWT token for the account with coins (coins will be transferred in block 2):
export CELESTIA_NODE_AUTH_TOKEN=$(docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml exec bridge celestia bridge auth admin private)
Accessing json RPC api with celestia
celestia rpc blob Submit 0x0c204d39600fddd3 '"Hello world"' --print-request
Extracting blocks for test cases:
celestia rpc header GetByHeight 27 | jq .result
Make sure you have the celestia network running inside docker-compose from the section above.
Generate authentication tokens for the tests
Run tests
cargo test -p celestia-rpc