DCNv2 supports decent pytorch such as torch 1.5+ (now 1.8+)
🔥 🔥 🔥Train Your Own DataSet for YOLACT and YOLACT++ Instance Segmentation Model!!!
ROS2 stack for mapping with OctoMap, contains octomap_server package
ROS stack for mapping with OctoMap, contains octomap_server package
The turtlebot installation on ros noetic
CCM-SLAM: Robust and Efficient Centralized Collaborative Monocular SLAM for Robotic Teams
TARE Exploration Planner for Ground Vehicles
Fast, Attemptable Route Planner for Navigation in Known and Unknown Environments
Implementation of IROS23 paper - "PANet: LiDAR Panoptic Segmentaion with Sparse Instance Proposal and Aggregation"