this is a django app for priavate docker registry frontend
This project provide a simple user interface for your private docker registry , show image , tag , delete!!!
- list all your repositories/images.
- list all tags for a image.
- show
docker pull
for image - Show sha256 for specific tag
- delete image with specific tag
For deleting images, you need to activate the delete feature in your registry:
enabled: true
And you need to run below command on registry this is the process of removing blobs from the filesystem
bin/registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml
For useing this repo you can pull hoseinmontazer/web-docker-praivate-registry:1.0.0 iamge and create docker container
docker run -p 8000:8000 hoseinmontazer/web-docker-praivate-registry:1.0.0