Working in AWS
Using Jenkins to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
Building pipelines
Working with CloudFormation to deploy clusters
Building Kubernetes clusters
Building Docker containers in pipelines
scenario: create AWS EC2 instance and install Jenkins, docker on it make IAM user with admin privilege and use it for the jenkins-aws connection install dockerhub and AWS pipeline plugins on Jenkins and add their credentials create aws cluster by running run jenkinsfile which will build docker image and upload it to dockerhub and then create 2 stages blue and green deployment and run the blue deployment using blue-service which is a kubernetes loadbalancer pointing to the blue deployment using code selector=blue then check if the green environment is ready for being used if yes jenkins will run green-service which will point loadbalancer to the green deployment using code `selector=green'
- environment
environment {
registry = "hossamalsankary/nodejs_app" # app name
registryCredential = 'docker_credentials' # my docker hup credentials
ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY = credentials('secritfile') # for ssh connection secret.pem file
- Stage(1) install all required dependencies and clear the Jenkins environment
stage("install dependencies") {
steps {
sh 'npm install'
post {
always {
sh 'bash ./' # you can find this bashscript here[link]("/")
- Stage(2) run command (npm test) to test the code before build it
stage("Test") {
steps {
sh 'npm run test:unit'
- Stage(3) run command (npm build)
stage("Build") {
steps {
sh 'npm run build'
- Stage (4) build our app docker image
stage("Build Docker Image") {
steps {
script {
dockerImage = registry + ":$BUILD_NUMBER" # build the app in node.js container you can find the docker file here []()
post {
failure {
sh ' docker system prune --volumes -a -f ' # clear every thing
- Stage (5) push the docker image to the docker hub account with a different tag number
stage("push image to docker hup") {
steps {
script {
docker.withRegistry('', registryCredential) { # this very importaint to login with registryCredential
dockerImage.push() # now we can push the image
- Stage (6) create kubecontext file
stage('create kubecontext file') {
steps {
withCredentials([aws(accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', credentialsId: 'aws', secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
sh 'aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-2 --name jenkins-cluster '
sh 'kubectl get nodes'
- Stage (7) Make sure that we have geen-namespace and blue-ns
stage("Make sure that we have geen-namespace and blue-ns ") {
steps {
withCredentials([aws(accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', credentialsId: 'aws', secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
// check for namespaces blue and green
sh 'bash ./bash-scripts/'
- Stage (8) Deploy blue deployment if not exsit
stage("Deploy blue deployment if not exsit ") {
steps {
withCredentials([aws(accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', credentialsId: 'aws', secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
// we do not want to destroy prodaction app but if that`s the first pipline deploy if anyway
sh 'bash ./bash-scripts/'
- Stage(10) "Deploy Green deployment if not exsit
stage("Deploy Green deployment if not exsit ") {
steps {
withCredentials([aws(accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', credentialsId: 'aws', secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
// update the greep app with new docker image
// deploymet
sh ' kubectl apply -f ./k8s/green-deployment.yaml '
// service
sh ' kubectl apply -f ./k8s/green-service.yaml '
- stage(11) Smoke Test
stage("Smoke Test") {
steps {
withCredentials([aws(accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', credentialsId: 'aws', secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
sh ' kubectl get service,pod --namespace=green-deployment --all-namespaces=true'
sh 'bash ./bash-scripts/'
- stage(12) update blue app with new docker Image
stage("update blue app with new docker Image ") {
steps {
sed - i 's|hossamalsankary/nodejs_app:49|$registry:$BUILD_NUMBER|g'. / k8s / green - deployment.yaml
withCredentials([aws(accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', credentialsId: 'aws', secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
// update the blue app with new docker image
// deploymet
sh ' kubectl apply -f ./k8s/blue-deployment.yaml '
// service
sh ' kubectl apply -f ./k8s/blue-service.yaml '
stage('Destroy Green version') {
steps {
withCredentials([aws(accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', credentialsId: 'aws', secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
// update the blue app with new docker image
sh 'bash ./bash-scripts/'