The BrowserClass.js uses the user agent data to identify the current browser and platform, and adds relevant classes to the body element. This means you can handle browser style errors in a very easy way. Just to highlight, not just a single version of a browser but even you can combine with the used platform for really specific issues.
- Include the js library
- Write your special css code referring to the particular browser or browser/platform combination.
Everyone knows there are several weird bugs and errors which can ruin the theming process. We have a solid conditional stylesheet until Internet Explorer 9 but above that we are stuck. We can try to implement javascript code snippets to support one or two browsers, but we agreed that's not the best approach...
So we made the BrowserClass.js javascript library to solve browser - platform combination issues. We love the community and the open source method that's why we released as a Drupal module back in November 3, 2010.