Network Analysis and Modeling for Python
These modules are currently under development at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute and collaborating groups in support of multiple projects in the investigation of viral/host interactions,
especially flu-omics:
and hint:
Prereqesites: Basic operation: scipy/numpy ID mapping: BioServices, BioPython More statistics: rpy2/R
Basically, I've started to develop a small tool targeted to:
- performing efficient analyses on networks and omics data
- take advantage of the many Python packages available and being developed by others
- integrate established network analysis methods
- object oriented & flexible to facilitate inegrating new omics data types as they become available
- create a framework to inspire the development of other applications
I recommend starting with the example for now, that is stable.
You may notice similarities with other open source resources, including the COBRApy project, which have been credited throughout the commenting.
Release history
Release Date Notes
a0.0.0 11.21.2013 Working draft!!