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Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
Codes of my MOOC Course <Play with Linear Algebra>. Updated contents and practices are also included. 我在慕课网上的课程《玩转线性代数》示例代码,使用Python语言。课程的更多更新内容及辅助练习也将逐步添加进这个代码仓。
AI education materials for Chinese students, teachers and IT professionals.
CAT 作为服务端项目基础组件,提供了 Java, C/C++, Node.js, Python, Go 等多语言客户端,已经在美团点评的基础架构中间件框架(MVC框架,RPC框架,数据库框架,缓存框架等,消息队列,配置系统等)深度集成,为美团点评各业务线提供系统丰富的性能指标、健康状况、实时告警等。
🔥「AI 低代码平台」前后端分离 SpringBoot 2.x/3.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue3,Mybatis,Shiro!强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领AI低代码开发模式 AI生成->OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决80%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,提高开发效率、节省成本,同时又不失灵活性
☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
An Alfred workflow to execute Keyboard Maestro macros.
houtianhui / Vundle.vim
Forked from VundleVim/Vundle.vimVundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included