debughelper plugin is a gradle plugin help to debug android lib module, the plugin can update java and native code to the host apk
- android gradle plugin: 3.0.0 - 3.6.2
- LLDB, if you want to debug native code:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
//Add debughelper dependency
classpath 'io.github.howardpang:debughelper:1.0.5'
ext {
hostApk = "${rootDir}/test.apk"
//hostFlavor = "audio"
//updateJavaClass = false
//modifyApkDebuggable = false
//hostLaunchActivity = "com.ydq.test.demo.MainActivity"
//excludeSo = ";"
//extraFilesToUpdate = [:] //Map[File:pathRelativeToApk]
//extraFilesToUpdate.put(new File("${rootDir}/lib/armeabi-v7a/"), "lib/armeabi-v7a/")
apply plugin: ''
2. Make sure the android gradle plugin version '' is the same with the root build.gradle and also add 'jcenter()' to repositories to the root build.gradle
- Set the debug apk path to hostApk
- Specify host launch activity name to hostLaunchActivity if your apk have multi-launch activity
- Specify host flavor name to hostFlavor if your module have flavor
- Specify updateJavaClass to decide whether to update java class, default is true, sometimes you may want to just update native code,so you can set it to false and the build will faster
- Specify modifyApkDebuggable to decide whether to modify the apk to debuggable, default is true, some app will check this flag and exist when they found the app is debuggable
- Specify excludeSo, if you want't to update some native library in to host apk
- If you have changed the ext settings or the hostApk file was changed, please clean the project
- It will only update the classes belong the project, not include the third party library
- It require the classes not obfuscated by the Proguard,include the third party library it depended