](mailto:[email protected]?SUBJECT=About EVReflection)
Run the unit tests to see EVReflection in action.
EVReflection is used extensively in EVCloudKitDao, AlamofireJsonToObjects and AlamofireXmlToObjects
In most cases EVReflection is verry easy to use. Just take a look at the YouTube tutorial or the section It's easy to use. But if you do want to do non standard specific things, then EVReflection will offer you an extensive range of functionality. For more information see:
- Main features of EVReflection
- Quick start
- It's easy to use
- If you have XML instead of JSON
- Using EVReflection in your own App
- More Sample code
- Conversion options
- Automatic keyword mapping for Swift keywords
- Automatic keyword mapping PascalCase or camelCase to snake_case
- Custom keyword mapping
- Custom property converters
- Skip the serialisaton or deserialisation of specific values
- Property validators
- Deserialisaton class level validations
- What to do when you use object enheritance
- Known issues
- License
- My other libraries
- Parsing objects based on NSObject to and from a dictionary.
- Parsing objects to and from a JSON string.
- Support NSCoding function encodeWithCoder and decodeObjectWithCoder
- Supporting Printable, Hashable and Equatable while using all properties. (Support for Set in Swift 1.2)
- Mapping objects from one type to an other
For a quick start have a look at this YouTube tutorial.
Defining an object. You only have to set EVObject as it's base class:
class User: EVObject {
var id: Int = 0
var name: String = ""
var friends: [User]? = []
Parsing JSON to an object:
let json:String = "{\"id\": 24, \"name\": \"Bob Jefferson\", \"friends\": [{\"id\": 29, \"name\": \"Jen Jackson\"}]}"
let user = User(json: json)
Parsing JSON to an array of objects:
let json:String = "[{\"id\": 27, \"name\": \"Bob Jefferson\"}, {\"id\": 29, \"name\": \"Jen Jackson\"}]"
let array = [User](json: json)
Parsing from and to a dictionary:
let dict = user.toDictionary()
let newUser = User(dictionary: dict)
XCTAssert(user == newUser, "Pass")
Saving and loading an object to and from a file:
let result = TestObject2(fileNameInTemp: "temp.dat")
XCTAssert(theObject == result, "Pass")
Mapping object to another type:
let administrator: Administrator = user.mapObjectTo()
If you want to do the same but you have XML, then you can achieve that using the XMLDictionary library.XMLDictionary Is a simple way to parse and generate XML. Converts an XML file to an NSDictionary. With that library your code will look like this:
let xml = "<user><id>27</id><name>Bob</name><friends><user><id>20</id><name>Jen</name></user></friends></user>"
let user = User(dictionary: NSDictionary(XMLString: xml))
'EVReflection' is available through the dependency manager CocoaPods. You do have to use cocoapods version 0.36 or later
You can just add EVReflection to your workspace by adding the folowing 2 lines to your Podfile:
pod "EVReflection"
Now there is also a Swift 3 branch (also a 2.3 version). If you want to use EVReflection, then get that version by using the podfile command:
pod "EVReflection", :branch => 'Swift3'
Version 0.36 of cocoapods will make a dynamic framework of all the pods that you use. Because of that it's only supported in iOS 8.0 or later. When using a framework, you also have to add an import at the top of your swift file like this:
import EVReflection
If you want support for older versions than iOS 8.0, then you can also just copy the files from the pod folder to your project. You do have to use the Swift2.3 version or older. iOS 7 support is dropped from Swift 3.
Clone EVReflection to your desktop to see these and more unit tests
func testEquatable() {
var theObjectA = TestObject2()
theObjectA.objectValue = "value1"
var theObjectB = TestObject2()
theObjectB.objectValue = "value1"
XCTAssert(theObjectA == theObjectB, "Pass")
theObjectB.objectValue = "value2"
XCTAssert(theObjectA != theObjectB, "Pass")
func testHashable() {
var theObject = TestObject2()
theObject.objectValue = "value1"
var hash1 = theObject.hash
NSLog("hash = \(hash)")
func testPrintable() {
var theObject = TestObject2()
theObject.objectValue = "value1"
NSLog("theObject = \(theObject)")
func testArrayFunctions() {
let dictionaryArray: [NSDictionary] = yourGetDictionaryArrayFunction()
let userArray = [User](dictionaryArray: dictionaryArray)
let newDictionaryArray = userArray.toDictionaryArray()
With almost any EVReflection function you can specify what kind of conversion options should be used. This is done using an option set. You can use the following conversion options:
- None - Do not use any conversion function.
- PropertyConverter : If specified the function propertyConverters on the EVObject will be called
- PropertyMapping : If specified the function propertyMapping on the EVObject will be called
- SkipPropertyValue : If specified the function skipPropertyValue on the EVObject will be called
- KeyCleanup : If specified the automatic pascalCase and snake_case property key mapping will be called.
In EVReflection all functions will use a default conversion option specific to it's function. The following 4 default conversion types are used:
- DefaultNSCoding = [None]
- DefaultComparing = [PropertyConverter, PropertyMapping, SkipPropertyValue]
- DefaultDeserialize = [PropertyConverter, PropertyMapping, SkipPropertyValue, KeyCleanup]
- DefaultSerialize = [PropertyConverter, PropertyMapping, SkipPropertyValue]
If you want to change one of the default conversion types, then you can do that using something like:
ConversionOptions.DefaultNSCoding = [.PropertyMapping]
If you have JSON fields that are Swift keywords, then prefix the property with an underscore. So the JSON value for self will be stored in the property _self. At this moment the folowing keywords are handled: "self", "description", "class", "deinit", "enum", "extension", "func", "import", "init", "let", "protocol", "static", "struct", "subscript", "typealias", "var", "break", "case", "continue", "default", "do", "else", "fallthrough", "if", "in", "for", "return", "switch", "where", "while", "as", "dynamicType", "is", "new", "super", "Self", "Type", "COLUMN", "FILE", "FUNCTION", "LINE", "associativity", "didSet", "get", "infix", "inout", "left", "mutating", "none", "nonmutating", "operator", "override", "postfix", "precedence", "prefix", "right", "set", "unowned", "unowned", "safe", "unowned", "unsafe", "weak", "willSet", "private", "public"
When creating objects from JSON EVReflection will automatically detect if snake_case (keys are all lowercase and words are separated by an underscore) should be converted to PascalCase or camelCase property names. See Conversion options for when this function will be called.
When exporting object to a dictionary or JSON string you will have an option to specify that you want a conversion to snace_case or not. The default is .DefaultDeserialize which will also convert to snake case.
let jsonString = myObject.toJsonString([.DefaultSerialize])
let dict = myObject.toDictionary([PropertyConverter, PropertyMapping, SkipPropertyValue])
It's also possible to create a custom property mapping. You can define if an import should be ignored, if an export should be ignored or you can map a property name to another key name (for the dictionary and json). For this you only need to implement the propertyMapping function in the object. See Conversion options for when this function will be called.
public class TestObject5: EVObject {
var Name: String = "" // Using the default mapping
var propertyInObject: String = "" // will be written to or read from keyInJson
var ignoredProperty: String = "" // Will not be written or read to/from json
override public func propertyMapping() -> [(String?, String?)] {
return [("ignoredProperty",nil), ("propertyInObject","keyInJson")]
You can also use your own property converters. For this you need to implement the propertyConverters function in your object. For each property you can create a custom getter and setter that will then be used by EVReflection. In the sample below the JSON texts 'Sure' and 'Nah' will be converted to true or false for the property isGreat. See Conversion options for when this function will be called.
public class TestObject6: EVObject {
var isGreat: Bool = false
override public func propertyConverters() -> [(String?, (Any?)->(), () -> Any? )] {
return [
( // We want a custom converter for the field isGreat
// isGreat will be true if the json says 'Sure'
, { self.isGreat = ($0 as? String == "Sure") }
// The json will say 'Sure if isGreat is true, otherwise it will say 'Nah'
, { return self.isGreat ? "Sure": "Nah"})
When there is a need to not (de)serialize specific values like nil NSNull or empty strings you can implement the skipPropertyValue function and return true if the value needs to be skipped. See Conversion options for when this function will be called.
class TestObjectSkipValues: EVObject {
var value1: String?
var value2: [String]?
var value3: NSNumber?
override func skipPropertyValue(value: Any, key: String) -> Bool {
if let value = value as? String where value.characters.count == 0 || value == "null" {
print("Ignoring empty string for key \(key)")
return true
} else if let value = value as? NSArray where value.count == 0 {
print("Ignoring empty NSArray for key\(key)")
return true
} else if value is NSNull {
print("Ignoring NSNull for key \(key)")
return true
return false
Before setting a value the value will always be validated using the standard validateValue KVO function. This means that for every property you can also create a validation function for that property. See the sample below where there is a validateName function for the name property.
enum MyValidationError: ErrorType {
case TypeError,
public class GameUser: EVObject {
var name: String?
var memberSince: NSDate?
var objectIsNotAValue: TestObject?
func validateName(value:AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>) throws {
if let theValue = value.memory as? String {
if theValue.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) < 3 {
NSLog("Validating name is not long enough \(theValue)")
throw MyValidationError.LengthError
NSLog("Validating name OK \(theValue)")
} else {
NSLog("Validating name is not a string: \(value.memory)")
throw MyValidationError.TypeError
There is also support for class level validation when deserialising to an object. There are helper functions for making keys required or not allowed. You can also add custom messages. Here is some sample code about how you can implement such a validation
public class ValidateObject: EVObject {
var requiredKey1: String?
var requiredKey2: String?
var optionalKey1: String?
override public func initValidation(dict: NSDictionary) {
self.initMayNotContainKeys(["error"], dict: dict)
self.initMustContainKeys(["requiredKey1", "requiredKey2"], dict: dict)
if dict.valueForKey("requiredKey1") as? String == dict.valueForKey("optionalKey1") as? String {
// this could also be called in your property specific validators
self.addStatusMessage(.Custom, message: "optionalKey1 should not be the same as requiredKey1")
You could then test this validation with code like:
func testValidation() {
// Test missing required key
let json = "{\"requiredKey1\": \"Value1\"}"
let test = ValidateObject(json: json)
XCTAssertNotEqual(test.evReflectionStatus(), .None, "We should have a not .None status")
XCTAssertEqual(test.evReflectionStatuses.count, 1, "We should have 1 validation result")
for (status, message) in test.evReflectionStatuses {
print("Validation result: Status = \(status), Message = \(message)")
You can deserialize json to an object that uses enheritance. When the properties are specified as the base class, then the correct specific object type will be returned by the function getSpecificType
. See the sample code below or the unit test in EVReflectionEnheritanceTests.swift
class Quz: EVObject {
var fooArray: Array<Foo> = []
var fooBar: Foo?
var fooBaz: Foo?
class Foo: EVObject {
var allFoo: String = "all Foo"
// What you need to do to get the correct type for when you deserialize enherited classes
override func getSpecificType(dict: NSDictionary) -> EVObject {
if dict["justBar"] != nil {
return Bar()
} else if dict["justBaz"] != nil {
return Baz()
return self
class Bar : Foo {
var justBar: String = "For bar only"
class Baz: Foo {
var justBaz: String = "For baz only"
EVReflection is trying to handle all types. With some types there are limitations in Swift. So far there is a workaround for any of these limitations. Here is an overview:
####It's not possible in Swift to use .setObjectForKey for:
- nullable type fields like Int?
- properties based on an enum
- an Array of nullable objects like [MyObject?]
- a Set like Set
- generic properties like var myVal:T = T()
- structs like CGRect or CGPoint
For all these issues there are workarounds. The easiest workaround is just using a difrent type like:
- Instead of an Int? you could use NSNumber?
- Instead of [MyObject?] use [MyObject]
- Instead of Set use [MyObject]
- Instead of 'var status: StatysType' use 'var status:Int' and save the rawValue
- Instead of a generic property use a specific property that can hold the data (a dictionary?)
- Instead of using a struct, create your own object model for that struct
If you want to keep on using the same type, You can override the setValue forUndefinedKey in the object itself. See WorkaroundsTests.swift and WorkaroundSwiftGenericsTests.swift to see the workaround for all these types in action.
####Generic properties For generic properties the protocol EVGenericsKVC is required. see WorkaroundSwiftGenericsTests.swift
####Arrays with nullable objects or Set's For arrays with nullable objects or Set's like [MyObj?] or Set the protocol EVArrayConvertable is required. see WorkaroundsTests.swift
####Swift Dictionaries For Swift Dictionaries (and not NSDictionary) the protocol EVDictionaryConvertable is required. See WorkaroundsTests.swift
EVReflection is available under the MIT 3 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Also see my other open source iOS libraries:
- EVReflection - Swift library with reflection functions with support for NSCoding, Printable, Hashable, Equatable and JSON
- EVCloudKitDao - Simplified access to Apple's CloudKit
- EVFaceTracker - Calculate the distance and angle of your device with regards to your face in order to simulate a 3D effect
- EVURLCache - a NSURLCache subclass for handling all web requests that use NSURLReques
- AlamofireJsonToObject - An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using EVReflection
- AlamofireXmlToObject - An Alamofire extension which converts XML response data into swift objects using EVReflection and XMLDictionary
- AlamofireOauth2 - A swift implementation of OAuth2 using Alamofire
- EVWordPressAPI - Swift Implementation of the WordPress (Jetpack) API using AlamofireOauth2, AlomofireJsonToObjects and EVReflection (work in progress)
- PassportScanner - Scan the MRZ code of a passport and extract the firstname, lastname, passport number, nationality, date of birth, expiration date and personal numer.