pip install -e . The above line installs autotab onto your machine
make first_npz the above line makes the first npz with two annotation files already stored in the guitarset annotation folder and two audio files already stored in your guitarset audio mic folder The output of this command is the npz files saved in data/spec_repr/c folder
make run_first_model The above line runs the first train of the model, only on the one file provided to you. NOTE : The Test phase of the model will fail, because you have only one file
Download the entire GuitarSet from https://zenodo.org/record/1422265#.YZ0JEdBBwnK Make sure to select the GuitarSet_audio_and_annotation.zip 7.5GB Unzip and place into the GuitarSet Folder inside data folder. A place holder has already been made for you
If you wish to make new npz files, at the bottom of TabDataReprGen file, provide two numbers between 0 and 359 as n(must be even) and n + 1 in place of the 0 and 1 currently provided. Then
make first_npz
If you wish to train on this new npz file, search from the beginning of the file name in the data/spec_repr/full_id.csv file, and copy all lines connected to that file into the data/spec_repr/id.csv file. You can then
make run_first_model
(In Progress/TO DO) Parallel_Tab generation for all wav files
(In Progress/TO DO) Train model on multiple files
- Document here the project: autotab
- Description: This Project focuses on creating a CNN-Model to predict guitar tabluature based on a .wave input file. So far the model only detects a single instrument.
- Data Source: Data from Audio Research Lab, along the Center for Digital Music at Queen Mary University. GuitarSet, a dataset that provides high quality guitar recordings alongside rich annotations and metadata. https://guitarset.weebly.com/
- Type of analysis: Training a model based on the Data and trying to predict an accurate tabluatur.
Please document the project the better you can.
The initial setup.
Create virtualenv and install the project:
sudo apt-get install virtualenv python-pip python-dev
deactivate; virtualenv ~/venv ; source ~/venv/bin/activate ;\
pip install pip -U; pip install -r requirements.txt
Unittest test:
make clean install test
Check for autotab in gitlab.com/{group}. If your project is not set please add it:
- Create a new project on
- Then populate it:
## e.g. if group is "{group}" and project_name is "autotab"
git remote add origin [email protected]:{group}/autotab.git
git push -u origin master
git push -u origin --tags
Functionnal test with a script:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
Go to https://github.com/{group}/autotab
to see the project, manage issues,
setup you ssh public key, ...
Create a python3 virtualenv and activate it:
sudo apt-get install virtualenv python-pip python-dev
deactivate; virtualenv -ppython3 ~/venv ; source ~/venv/bin/activate
Clone the project and install it:
git clone [email protected]:{group}/autotab.git
cd autotab
pip install -r requirements.txt
make clean install test # install and test
Functionnal test with a script:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp