Nearby Shops helps you build your own self-hosted local marketplace. For more information visit | Developers visit
Nearby Shops is a multi-vendor mobile based e-commerce platform. Multi-vendor means it can have multiple sellers. Its designed primarily for local shopping needs like shopping grocery, fruits and vegetables.
It has 3 android apps each for End-User, Shop-Owner and adminstrator and a JSON based REST API at the backend.
Licensed under a permissive MIT license allows you to use this software even for commertial use.
Get it from Google play store
Login credentials for end-user app are : 9490523891 (Username) | password (password) Login to the end-user app with the above login credentials and enjoy the demo.
For a better experience set a fake location.
The nearby shops currently have shops available in only few cities. If you are living in a city where shops are not available. You need to fake your location and set it to some location where the shops are available.
Use any location faker app which you can download from playstore and set your location to "Hyderabad, India". You will see some shops and items visible in the nearby shops app.
Retrofit, Ok-Http, Event-Bus, Picasso, Lost (for finding location), butterknife, dagger2, U-Crop, Android-Support-Libraries, Gesture Views, Smiley Rating
Nearby Shops has latest integrations for SMS-OTP verification(MSG91), E-mail (mailgun), One-Signal and Firebase (for push notifications), Maps (open-street-maps), (crash reporting)
If you want any help regarding anything. Feel free to contact us. Send a message through our forum or you can simply post an issue. Your issues will not be ignored and you will surely receive help.
Reach out to us - Please Visit -
If you want to see source code for Shop-Owner app, Admin-app and server side the links are provided below
Shop-Owner app :
Admin app :
Source code for Server Side JSON Based REST API is available in this repository
Copyright 2017-19 Bluetree Software LLP, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.