tagged this
10 May 10:48
- [2865: (Enhancement) Add an easier way to use i18n view helpers.]( - [2903: add AdapterManager in to Zend\Db\Adapter namespace]( - [2984: Add full stop at end of validator messages (fixes #2966)]( - [3490: Added support for callable credential validator]( - [3580: Feature/context aware hydrator strategies]( - [3632: New DateTimeFormatter Filter (#3617)]( - [3646: Zend\I18n\View\Helper\NumberFormat param to set the number of decimals]( - [3693: Add RBAC support for navigation helper.]( - [3709: Redis cache storage]( - [3710: Allow to remove delimiters for DateSelect and fix bugs with some locales]( - [3747: Add getFilename() to Zend\Cache\Pattern\CaptureCache]( - [3754: Update library/Zend/Stdlib/Hydrator/ClassMethods.php]( - [3792: Sets specific attributes (as class,title...) to "Zend\Form\Select" options]( - [3812: Zend\Form\FormInterface causes Di to attempt to instantiate Interface]( - [3814: Improve module manager to accept instance]( - [3818: Invalid instantiator of type “NULL” for “Zend\Form\FormInterface”]( - [3844: Added new option to fix a little issue originated from last PR]( - [3876: Implementing and re-utilizing an abstract aggregate listener]( - [3877: HeadTitle renderTitle returns rendered title without title tags]( - [3878: Created an adapter Zend Paginator instance using TableGateway]( - [3879: Feature CollectionInputFilter]( - [3896: Added ability to ignore namespaces to classmap generator]( - [3919: WSDL Generation rewrite (with new tests also) as a base for future changes.]( - [3922: Added the ability to disable the getValidator input specification on Select Elements]( - [3930: Added abstract service factory for logger component to provide several loggers for application.]( - [3931: Added ability to configure MvcEvent listeners.]( - [3933: Added database adapter abstract service factory.]( - [3942: Feature/zend test load module]( - [3944: Enable ExceptionStrategy to return json]( - [3949: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()]( - [3951: Deprecate Zend\Stdlib\DateTime and use \DateTime constructor internally instead]( - [3958: Oci8 Driver generating "Fetch out of sequence warning"]( - [3965: Add removeMethod method in ClassGenerator]( - [3979: Fixes #3978]( - [3990: Zend\Filter\File\RenameUpload - Added possibility to maintain original file extension]( - [3999: Chain route]( - [4011: extend HeadMeta view helper to allow microdata #3751]( - [4016: Hydrator aware interface]( - [4032: Class was supporting limit + offset or limit, but only offset does not support]( - [4048: Moved ext-intl to suggest instead of require to avoid silent fallback.]( - [4050: Translable routing segments]( - [4073: Fixed issue #3064]( - [4098: fix php docblock : boolean should be bool]( - [4099: fix (bool) casting : add space and use (bool) instead of (boolean) to cast]( - [4104: Allow to change option creations for plugin manager]( - [4120: (Validator) Only return unique messages]( - [4127: Added I18n PhoneNumber validator based off of country]( - [4137: View helpers cleanup]( - [4139: Service manager performance optimized]( - [4145: Delegate factories]( - [4146: Lazy services]( - [4155: Move Identity closure to separate factory]( - [4165: Validate empty with context]( - [4169: Fixed error in adapter paginator DbTableGateway]( - [4170: Hydrator aware interface]( - [4175: AbstractRestfulController uses wrong action for id=0]( - [4178: Allow passing objects to the url helper]( - [4181: Make identifier name configurable for AbstractRestfulController]( - [4187: Add event manager as soft dependency to translator]( - [4202: Zend\Log has dependency on Zend\ServiceManager]( - [4204: Hotfix for #4202]( - [4206: Added sequence name for PostgreSQL]( - [4215: Bugfix for redirection handling in Zend\Http\Client]( - [4219: Custom validators registered through ValidatorProviderInterface not found]( - [4231: (Form) Get Elements for Collection]( - [4238: ValueGenerator constant detection]( - [4247: Added Brazilian IBAN format to IBAN validation]( - [4250: (#4249) Override 'ServiceManager::has' to do not use peering service managers]( - [4251: Create factories for selected view collaborators]( - [4252: Auto-upgrading and then displaying composer version]( - [4253: Create AbstractFactory for Cache]( - [4254: Use prefix in Logger abstract factory]( - [4259: Hotfix: Changed array\_walk to foreach in Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable]( - [4260: Validator\Explode can take option validator as array]( - [4262: Fixed console routes when using same name for group and parameter]( - [4263: Remove superfluous indentation from one line of code]( - [4268: Session service factories]( - [4269: Hotfix: cs fixer check]( - [4276: allow default http responses to be sent in mvc stack]( - [4279: Remove needless is\_object check]( - [4282: fix getHref strategy in PageMvc]( - [4284: Main framework composer.json is incorrectly configured]( - [4285: Fix for a problem with Service Manager and Abstract Factories]( - [4288: Reset URI parts before parse]( - [4289: Minor CS fix]( - [4293: Better fix for #4284]( - [4294: BaseInputFilter not populating InputFilters of Element\Collection]( - [4295: Console route defaults should be overridden by entered values]( - [4296: illegal usage of array\_walk in ObjectProperty, ClassMapAutoloader]( - [4298: View\Helper\Navigation\Menu: add flag to set page class to <li>]( - [4299: Suggestion: Don't render empty module console information]( - [4300: Maestro detection improvements in Zend\Validator\CreditCard]( - [4301: remove extra semicolon]( - [4303: Method annotations of Zend\Validator\Hostname constructor]( - [4311: DDL support for Zend\Db]( - [4312: POP3 protocol "return;" is needed after APOP request]( - [4313: update docblock for ZendTest : /Db/, /Code/ , /Di/, /Log/, Mvc/]( - [4317: Fix #4315 - Console routes with dashes are not understood.]( - [4319: Add various plugin manager]( - [4321: Hotfix/cs fixer installation]( - [4326: Add zh\_TW translations ]( - [4328: Fix 4294]( - [4330: Remove SM-Aware requirement from Forward plugin]( - [4331: Changed default version service to Zend.]( - [4336: Use is\_int() instead of is\_integer()]( - [4337: Fix alignment of values, add trailing comma]( - [4339: Remove @return annotation from constructor doc-block]( - [4341: Docblocks do not match]( - [4344: Add missing file level doc-block]( - [4347: Add empty line after namespace declaration]( - [4349: Alphabetically order use statements (related to #4338)]( - [4350: Remove comma before value in array initialization]( - [4351: fix the constructor's type-autodetection accepts wrong parameters]( - [4352: Fix doc blocks consistency and coding standards PSR2]( - [4353: Glob::glob() should throw an exception on error]( - [4354: Corrected wrong year]( - [4355: fix docblock : @throw should be @throws]( - [4356: FormSelect translate optgroup label fix]( - [4358: Form abstract factory]( - [4361: Ldap Ldif Decoder bug fix]( - [4364: AbstractFactory consistency]( - [4365: Use InputFilterPluginManager in InputFilter\Factory]( - [4366: Fix for issue #3945, and fix for PUT with request content]( - [4367: Remove reference to root namespace (fixes #4363)]( - [4372: Ability to load custom form classes from FormElementManager in Mvc.]( - [4373: PHP Warning: call\_user\_func() expects…when Weakref enabled]( - [4374: CollectionInputFilter returns always valid for empty collections]( - [4376: Fix get with body in ClientStatic]( - [4378: Add patchList method to AbstractRestfulController]( - [4379: Fix for #4175]( - [4380: Decouple I18n\View\Helper\AbstractTranslatorHelper from ext\intl]( - [4382: Fix conflict InputFilter::type with Input::name in InputFilter factory]( - [4383: ensure the wrapElements option in Zend\Form\Form::prepareElement]( - [4389: Remove cache and log abstract factories from MVC]( - [4391: Segregated interfaces for Translator dependency of Validator component]( - [4392: Remove Version dependency from Feed component]( - [4393: 2.2RC1 BC Break: DateTimeFormatter sets blank data to today's date]( - [4394: Ensure that DateTimeFormatter doesn't format an empty string]( - [4396: Make ServiceManager dependency optional in Feed component]( - [4398: Allow DateTimeFormatter to format zero.]( - [4405: 2.2.0RC1 Form\View\Helper\FormRow "partial view" messed up]( - [4408: Optimize MutableCreationOptionsInterface capability]( - [4410: Fix conflict between translator service in ZF2 and skeleton app]( - [4411: Fix BC break in HTTP client resetParameters signature]( - [4412: FormRow: enable partial rendering]( - [4415: Remove URI dependency and make HTTP dependency optional in Feed]( - [4417: add docblock to I18n\Validator\PhoneNumber\{Code\}.php]( - [4418: remove @package docblock from demos files]( - [4420: sync svn r23693 - (ZF-11002) ehancement implemented as proposed]( - [4423: Minor param overflow]( - [4424: Edit config composer.json]( - [4425: Fix FormElementManagerFactory breaks csrf validation (in Mvc)]( - [4431: sync svn r24702 - support application/x-zip in Validator\File\IsCompressed]( - [4432: code concistency : update Zend\Mvc\Application::bootstrap]( - [4435: Di compatibility (#4434)]( - [4437: I18n currencyFormat helper: add the currencyPattern attribute and extend the unittest]( - [4441: Fixed unnecessary error rendering in form row helper.]( - [4444: Issues found by hphp static analysis]( - [4447: typo fixes]( - [4448: Aggregate hydrator ]( - [4450: Fix iterating over empty result set with buffering enabled]( - [4451: Form InputFilterSpecification: incorrect propagation]( - [4454: Fix for expiration value](