Enjoying programming
Hotovo s.r.o.
- Košice, Slovakia
MONAI Public
Forked from Project-MONAI/MONAIAI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 2, 2023 -
Spider-Solitaire Public
Game Spider-Solitaire made with Java, Spring MVC and Thymeleaf
Java UpdatedJun 21, 2022 -
tutorials Public
Forked from Project-MONAI/tutorialsMONAI Tutorials
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 13, 2021 -
GAN Public
Using GAN neural network to generate user's movement dataset
openapi-directory Public
Forked from APIs-guru/openapi-directory🌐 Wikipedia for Web APIs. Directory of REST API definitions in OpenAPI 2.0/3.0 format
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 18, 2021 -
RL-Tic_tac_toe Public
Using Reinforcement learning methods to learn agent to play game Tic_tac_toe against human player
FlowFree-Solver Public
Backtrack implementation of bot solving flowfree game
Alcoino Public
Android app which communicate with Arduino to measure alcohol level
Java UpdatedMar 22, 2018