Endpoint: (GET) https://asia-east2-travis-mvp-v2.cloudfunctions.net/travis-recommender
To make a request: attach requested google places id in a header, accepts either 1 or 2 headers in a list: ids:["ChIJczgQh8lC1moR9r9gP44FRvY", "ChIJdedaLk5d1moRQOX0CXZWBB0"]
- These are Chinatown and Southern Cross respectively, so search should return shops in the middle
Response format (json): {"33":"ChIJ9RT5wLRC1moRpIkhaxraJMc","37":"ChIJcxVwKrVC1moRcHnRJ0dR5vM"}
- responses generally should be list of 5, unless places cannot be found
- to check a id, use https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?key=<>&place_id=<>
- key=<> add your gmaps api key
- place_id=<> insert the id that was returned
Curl test (status test): curl -X GET -k -H 'ids: ["ChIJczgQh8lC1moR9r9gP44FRvY", "ChIJdedaLk5d1moRQOX0CXZWBB0"]' -i 'https://asia-east2-travis-mvp-v2.cloudfunctions.net/travis-recommender'
Flat file location: Stored on a GCP Cloud Storage bucket, see config.yml (not published to github)
Add google search for different types of establishments, in an area
Add single radius search
Add controller for search, that
- check if search is single radius or between two locations
- makes sure there are 5 results, and saves any additional searches to the csv file
Deploy to google cloud functions - DONE
- Modify storage location to a GCP cloud storage filepath - DONE
Update IAM Authorisation - Should be Automatic when called from within gcp
- Update data to cloud when user requests new data
- Content based recommender that classifies restaurants by type
- Create a list of types of restaurants, for recommendation
- System that links to accounts
- convert data management system to an object