This ESPHome configuration builds firmware for the King Bob plant sensor, who resides in Hackerspace Trójmiasto.
The project utilizes LILYGO T-Higrow plantsensor. Firmware is based on LILYGO-T-Higrow-Esphome.
It is still work in progress. 🌿
- soil humidity
- feritilizer (soil conductivity)
- ambient light
- ambient temperature
- ambient humidity
Sensor can be added to HS3's Home Assistant within the ESPHome in Home Assistant dashboard. The .yaml configuration file should point to the project template within this repository:
esphome.project-template: github://hs3city/kingbob-plant-sensor/LILYGO-T-Higrow-ESP32.yaml@main
To get accurate readings the sensor should be calibrated before first use. Calibration process is described in the official LILYGO-T-Higrow-Esphome website.
You can utilize the branch calibration in this repository, which contains all changes in .yaml file required for the calibration process:
esphome.project-template: github://hs3city/kingbob-plant-sensor/LILYGO-T-Higrow-ESP32.yaml@calibration