Open a terminal where we would run the name server. Since we use custom classes for message passing, the serializer needs to be mentioned to the name server. This can be done by issuing the command
export PYRO_SERIALIZERS_ACCEPTED=serpent,json,marshal,pickle
Now we can start the python nameserver
python3 -m Pyro4.naming --host=<Host_IPaddr>
Start the
backend db process -
Start the
frontend process -
Start the various sensors and devices
Run the various test from the test folder
- Please start the proceses in the above order as frontend talks to backend and other devices talk to the frontend gateway
- To start any of the devices
or sensorx_sensor.py
or frontend and backend gateway we run the commandpython3 x_device.py ns_name:ns_port
where ns_name and ns_port correspond to the name server host name and port number - Similarly, to run any test script from the tes directory issue the command
python3 <test_file>.py ns_name:ns_port
- This has been tested on Pyro4 and python3. The plots are generated using
- The lab report contains bulk of the design and architecture of the system as well as detailed test cases and their analysis
- A description of all the source files and code is given here
- A description of all the test files and code is give here
- Some additional assumptions made are here
- Harshal Godhia ([email protected])