ActionSheetPicker Public
Forked from TimCinel/ActionSheetPickerQuickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality from Safari on iPhone/ iOS / CocoaTouch.
MagicalRecord Public
Forked from magicalpanda/MagicalRecordSuper Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data 1!!!11!!!!1!
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2019 -
JSQMessagesViewController Public
Forked from jessesquires/JSQMessagesViewController[DEPRECATED] An elegant messages UI library for iOS
Objective-C Other UpdatedJul 17, 2017 -
GreatCircle Public
Forked from softwarenerd/GreatCircleiOS framework that provides a set of extensions to the CLLocation.
HTML MIT License UpdatedDec 14, 2016 -
RMStore Public
Forked from robotmedia/RMStoreA lightweight iOS library for In-App Purchases
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2016 -
BlocksKit Public
Forked from BlocksKit/BlocksKitThe Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2016 -
SwipeView Public
Forked from nicklockwood/SwipeViewSwipeView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of horizontal, paged scrolling views on iOS. It is based on a UIScrollView, but adds convenient functionality such as a UITableView-styl…
Objective-C Other UpdatedJun 25, 2016 -
WYPopoverController Public
Forked from nicolaschengdev/WYPopoverControllerWYPopoverController is for the presentation of content in popover on iPhone / iPad devices. Very customizable.
Objective-C Other UpdatedJun 25, 2016 -
KKPagedFlowView Public
Forked from kejinlu/KKPagedFlowViewA Paging Enabled Flow View, like screenshots view in iPhone App Store.
Objective-C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 21, 2016 -
EBCardCollectionViewLayout Public
Forked from betzerra/EBCardCollectionViewLayoutObjective-C Other UpdatedApr 20, 2016 -
JTSImageViewController Public
Forked from bcapps/JTSImageViewControllerAn interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2016 -
SugarRecord Public
Forked from modo-studio/SugarRecordData persistence management library written in Swift 2.0
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2016 -
ModelRocket Public
Forked from ovenbits/ModelRocketAn iOS framework for creating JSON-based models. Written in Swift.
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 4, 2016 -
RGPageViewController Public
Forked from eRGoon/RGPageViewControllerA custom UIPageViewController written in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 2, 2016 -
MMPopupView Public
Forked from adad184/MMPopupViewPop-up based view(e.g. alert sheet), can easily customize.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMar 21, 2016 -
IGHTMLQuery Public
Forked from siuying/IGHTMLQueryIGHTMLQuery is a lightweight XML/HTML parser for Objective-C, built on top of libxml.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJan 13, 2016 -
RxSwift Public
Forked from ReactiveX/RxSwiftReactive Programming in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2015 -
UICountingLabel Public
Forked from dataxpress/UICountingLabelAdds animated counting support to UILabel.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedDec 9, 2015 -
CocoaMQTT Public
Forked from emqx/CocoaMQTTMQTT for iOS and OS X written with Swift
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2015 -
SDWebImage Public
Forked from SDWebImage/SDWebImageAsynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category
REMenu Public
Forked from romaonthego/REMenuDropdown menu inspired by Vine.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2015 -
PureLayout Public
Forked from PureLayout/PureLayoutThe ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful.
Objective-C Other UpdatedMay 9, 2015 -
JVFloatLabeledTextField Public
Forked from jverdi/JVFloatLabeledTextFieldUITextField subclass with floating labels - inspired by Matt D. Smith's design: http://dribbble.com/shots/1254439--GIF-Mobile-Form-Interaction?list=users
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2015 -
AFNetworking Public
Forked from AFNetworking/AFNetworkingA delightful iOS and OS X networking framework
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2015 -
PageMenu Public
Forked from PageMenu/PageMenuA paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram)
Swift BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 1, 2015 -
MBProgressHUD Public
Forked from matej/MBProgressHUDMBProgressHUD, an iOS activity indicator view (official repository)
FormatterKit Public
Forked from FormatterKit/FormatterKit`stringWithFormat:` for the sophisticated hacker set
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMar 29, 2015 -
TPKeyboardAvoiding Public
Forked from michaeltyson/TPKeyboardAvoidingA drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way of the keyboard in iOS
Objective-C zlib License UpdatedFeb 22, 2015 -
FLEX Public
Forked from FLEXTool/FLEXAn in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
Objective-C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 22, 2015 -
KVOController Public
Forked from facebookarchive/KVOControllerSimple, modern, thread-safe key-value observing for iOS and OS X.
Objective-C Other UpdatedFeb 22, 2015