Gluster Templates + Custom Scripts for Zabbix
Please import template files via Zabbix web interface.
Notes: 'userparams' script files aren't loading automatically. Because Zabbix server rejected entry of 'userparams' when loading Glubix template.
If you want to install glubix via rpm.
Please download via glubix yum repo.
or if you want to build rpm packages.
- You must be install PackageMaker for build.
- Please execute make command as follows.
make preinstall; make buildrpm
then it finished, please check ./rpmbuild/ dir
make install
Please execute make command as follows.
make preinstall; make tarball
On gluster node by root user
tar zxvf glubix-deploy.tar.gz -C /
manually install script files on 'userparams' dir to gluster nodes. Please copy to /usr/libexec/
I tested following environment.
- Zabbix 1.8 (from EPEL)
- Zabbix 2.0 (from EPEL)
- Zabbix 3.0 (from Zabbix LCC.)
- GlusterFS 3.3
- GlusterFS 3.4
- GlusterFS 3.6
- GlusterFS 3.7
Red Hat Gluster Storage
- Red Hat Storage Server 2.0 (RHEL6.2 + GlusterFS 3.3)
- Red Hat Storage Server 2.1 (RHEL6.4 + GlusterFS 3.4)
- Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.0 (RHEL6.6 + GlusterFS 3.6)
- Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.1 (RHEL6.6 + GlusterFS 3.7)
- Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.1 (RHEL7.1 + GlusterFS 3.7)
Old GlusterFS has a lock issue. with error message "Unable to acquire lock for VOLNAME" Ex. When you hit some conditions. You can't acquire lock for "gluster volume status" command. It will fail command. If you want to remove this route cause that I recommend to upgrade to GlusterFS 3.12.0( or higher).
See also this patch on gluster gerrit#18437