cassandra-jdbc-wrapper-1 Public
Forked from ing-bank/cassandra-jdbc-wrapperA JDBC wrapper of the DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra, which offers a simple JDBC compliant API to work with CQL3.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 24, 2022 -
scala-jsonschema Public
Forked from andyglow/scala-jsonschemaScala JSON Schema
Scala Other UpdatedJan 12, 2022 -
SearchWorks Public
Forked from sul-dlss/SearchWorksSearchWorks (Stanford University Libraries)
Ruby Other UpdatedJun 18, 2021 -
vue-dynamic-forms Public
Forked from asigloo/vue-dynamic-formsEasy way to dynamically create reactive forms in vue based on a varying business object model
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 11, 2021 -
vuetify-jsonschema-form Public
Forked from koumoul-dev/vuetify-jsonschema-formGenerate forms for the vuetify UI library (vuejs) based on annotated JSON schemas.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 11, 2021 -
ldap-authentication Public
Forked from shaozi/ldap-authentication🔐🔐🔐 A simple Nodejs Async LDAP authentication library
JavaScript UpdatedDec 15, 2020 -
protoframe Public
Forked from mrvisser/protoframeTypeScript wrapper for protocol-based 2-way iframe communication
TypeScript UpdatedDec 13, 2020 -
express-passport-ldap-mongoose Public
Forked from shaozi/express-passport-ldap-mongooseA library to use ldap-authentication and passport to authenticate and save users
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2020 -
redisearch-getting-started Public
Forked from RediSearch/redisearch-getting-startedA RediSearch tutorial to learn the basis of RediSearch module, with sample application in Java, Python and Node.js
Vue UpdatedNov 13, 2020 -
ExcelReport Public
Forked from hanzhaoxin/ExcelReportThis reporting engine is built on NPOI.
C# MIT License UpdatedOct 20, 2020 -
scripts Public
Forked from Napsty/scriptsJust a bunch of handy scripts
Shell GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedAug 7, 2020 -
passport-ldap-example Public
Forked from shaozi/passport-ldap-exampleldap authentication strategy for Passport
JavaScript UpdatedJul 21, 2020 -
scala-cass Public
Forked from thurstonsand/scala-cassa wrapper for the Java Cassandra driver that allows extraction from a Row with Scala types, or directly into a case class. Also has utility functions for the Session to read/write to Cassandra dire…
Scala MIT License UpdatedJul 11, 2020 -
certbot-install Public
Forked from vinyll/certbot-installInstall the latest Certbot in a breeze. Great for Ubuntu Focal 20.04, and other Linux/Mac.
Shell UpdatedMay 14, 2020 -
scalatest-example Public
Forked from MrPowers/scalatest-exampleTesting Scala code with scalatest
Scala UpdatedApr 8, 2020 -
json-schema-viewer Public
Forked from jlblcc/json-schema-viewerJavaScript tool for visualizing json-schemas
JavaScript The Unlicense UpdatedMar 23, 2020 -
en.javascript.info Public
Forked from javascript-tutorial/en.javascript.infoModern JavaScript Tutorial
HTML Other UpdatedMar 7, 2020 -
clio-spectrum Public
Forked from cul/clio-spectrumColumbia Libraries Unified Search & Discovery
Ruby UpdatedFeb 10, 2020 -
docker-hadoop-hive-parquet Public
Forked from tech4242/docker-hadoop-hive-parquetHadoop, Hive, Parquet and Hue in docker-compose v3
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 5, 2020 -
cas-server-mock Public
Forked from veo-labs/cas-server-mockReally simple basic mock for Apereo CAS server
JavaScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 13, 2020 -
My-FyiReporting Public
Forked from majorsilence/My-FyiReportingMajorsilence Reporting, .NET report designer and viewer. Fork of fyireporting,
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 5, 2019 -
http4s-chatserver Public
Forked from MartinSnyder/http4s-chatserverA chat server implemented using WebSockets and Scala/http4s
Scala Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 19, 2019 -
fs2-chat Public
Forked from typelevel/fs2-chatSample project demonstrating use of fs2-io to build a chat client and server
Scala MIT License UpdatedSep 11, 2019 -
mastering-spark-sql-book Public
Forked from japila-books/spark-sql-internalsThe Internals of Spark SQL
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 7, 2019 -
cassandra-jdbc-wrapper Public
Forked from adejanovski/cassandra-jdbc-wrapperA JDBC wrapper for the Datastax Java Driver for Cassandra
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 27, 2019 -
spark-workshop Public
Forked from jaceklaskowski/spark-workshopApache Spark™ and Scala Workshops
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 27, 2019 -
scala-with-cats Public
Forked from scalawithcats/scala-with-catsSource code for Advanced Scala with Cats
TeX UpdatedJun 18, 2019 -
ntttcp-for-linux Public
Forked from microsoft/ntttcp-for-linuxA Linux network throughput multiple-thread benchmark tool.
C MIT License UpdatedJun 12, 2019 -
Xml2Tree Public
Forked from mmaltsev/Xml2TreeVisualize XML data as a tree.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 20, 2019