Tags: huanghuazhang/jstorm
#Release ##Bug fix: 1. Improve speed between tasks who is running in one worker 2. Fix wrong timeout seconds 3. Add checking port when worker initialize and begin to kill old worker 4. Move worker hearbeat thread before initializing tasks 5. Move init netty-server before initializeing tasks 6. Check whether tuple's rootId is duplicated 7. Add default value into Utils.getInt 8. Add result function in ReconnectRunnable 9. Add operation to start Timetick 10. Halt process when master nimbus lost ZK node 11. Add exception catch when cgroups kill process 12. Speed up reconnect to netty-server 13. Share one task hearbeat thread for all tasks 14. Quickly haltprocess when initialization failed. 15. Check web-ui logview page size