Transfer AdobeXD UI/UX Design.
Run it in Unity right away!
Design - Run - Improve
This asset makes iteration boost!
AdobeXD's features can be converted.
- ResponsiveResize
- RepeatGrid
- ScrollGroups
- Stack
- Padding
- Unity plugin Install
- Download XdUnityUI.unitypackage file.
- Import the XuidUnity.unitypackage into Unity. /Assets/I0plus/XuidUnity folder will be created.
- AdobeXD plugin Install
- Download XuidUnityExporter.xdx file.
- Double-click xdx file and install to AdobeXD.
Open the Adobe XD sample.
- Donwload and unzip.
- Open sample.xd
AdobeXD export
- Select the artboard.
- Click on "Xuid Unity Export" in the plugin menu.
- "Folder" is the destination of the output folder.
- Click on "Export" to start exporting.
- Unity conversion
- Unity Menu > Assets > XuidUnity > Clean Import
- Specifies the same folder as the export.
- The created prefabs are placed in Assets/I0plus/XuidCreatedPrefabs.
- The created UI images are placed in Assets/I0plus/CreatedSprites.
- UI images are sliced.
- Place created Prefab under canvas.
- more stable and faster.
- Unity: non-destructive conversion.
- XD,Unity: Added option to convert components to Prefab.
- XD,Unity: Scrollable Groups support.
- XD,Unity: Responsive resizing information is now more accurate.
- Unity: Import by specifying a folder.
### [v0.8] - 2020-03-16
- XD: Fixed to output a selection.
- Unity: fixed to work with Unity2018.
- Unity: fixed to work with Unity2017.
- Unity: deleted the asmdef file.
- Testing the DotsScrollbar
- Fixing mask processing
- Maintain InputField conversion.
- Sample images added
- Englishization
- XD plugins English support
- Sample Modifications
- Revisions and additions
- Corrected XdPlugin/main.js comments
- TextMeshPro sample added and explanation corrected.
- Add Button Sample
- Toggle samples added
- Fix.
- Creating a unitypackage
- How to install from unitypackage
- @kyubuns (
- Baum2 (