This is a simple JiraRestClient to use the RestAPI V2.0 of Jira.
- adding support to upload Attachments to an Issue (IssueClient)
- adding support to get/add SearchFilters (SearchClient)
- adding support to get the Permissions of the logged in User (UserClient)
- adding support for IssueType Fields Meta Data.
- adding support for CustomFields. All standard CustomFields coming with Jira.
- change Apache HttpClient from Major-Version 3 to 4
Use the static Method of the Class JiraRestClient to create a new Instance of the Client. You need your user credentials and the url to the Jira, also you can configure a proxy for the connection.
With the Client you can use the seperated Clients for Issues, Projects, Users, Search and System.
- IssueClient - everything to issues. Include also Attachments, Transitions, Comments and Worklog
- ProjectClient - everything to projects. Include also Components and Versions
- UserClient - everything to users.
- SearchClient - for jql search
- SystemClient - every global Info form the Jira. You can get Status, Priority, IssueTypes Informations.