My Java Studio, some testing code and usage of open-source code, which are tested to verify the functionalities before being used in real projects, or tested for study/investigation. 一些测试代码和开源代码的使用测试,以便在正式项目中使用之前验证功能是否满足要求。
And some customized utilities, encapsulated open-source code. 另外还有一些小工具、以及对开源代码的封装使用。
- Cache related:
- A local cache example using ConcurrentHashMap (package: com.xjj.cache.local)
- Guava Cache: an example for using Guava cache framework, including management web page (refer to:
- Redis: A simple example using spring data redis
- Database related:
- MyBatis (resource:, spring/db.xml; com.xjj.dao, com.xjj.mapper)
- HikariCP connection pool (resource: spring/db.xml)
- MySQL access
- SQL Server (2000, version 8) access
- FreeMarker: A simple implementation of freeMarker (refer to:
- FTP: A simple FTP client with progress shown
- HTTP Client
- Intercepter: MethodInterceptor
- Log4j 2.x Configuration (refer to:
- Math and Format: BigDecimal, NumberFormat
- POI/Excel example
- Spring related:
- Spring Batch (com.xjj.spring.batch)
- SpringMVC example
- Timers
- Utilities:
- ClassPathUtils
- DateUtils
- FileAccessUtils
- RandomUtils
- RegexUtils
- StringUtils
- Example to trigger the web browser to be in Full Screen state.
- HTML Dialogs
- NoCache Filter
- SpringMVC receive Form Data or Query String using Map, MultiValueMap. (refer to:
- SpringMVC receive JSON data using Map. (refer to:
- Usage of JQuery plug-in: bigautocomplete (test-tool.html)
- Javascript Template Engine: webapp/jste
- File upload: webapp/file/upload.html (refer to:
- Image upload: webapp/file/img-upload.html (refer to:
- JS: Useful Date Prototype Functions: webapp/my-js/