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Open Academic Environment (OAE Project)

Hilary is the back-end for the Open Academic Environment


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This guide will install OAE locally for a development setup. Node is required on the host machine whereas the remaining servers will run as docker containers.

Docker Quickstart Guide

The recommended way to install docker is to follow the official guide at Make sure you have docker version >= 17.x and docker-compose version >= 1.6.0 before you proceed to cloning the repos. Check your versions by running the following commands:

$ docker -v
Docker version 17.03.0-ce, build 60ccb2265
$ docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.11.2, build dfed245

Also, don't forget the post-install instructions if you're using linux.

Clone the repos

git clone && cd Hilary
git submodule init
git submodule update

# Next step is optional
cd 3akai-ux && git checkout master # because HEAD is detached after pulling submodules by default

Customize the folder paths (optional)

If you accept the following directory structure, docker-compose will work out of the box.

|-- Hilary
    |-- 3akai-ux
    |-- tmp
        |-- previews
        |-- uploads
        |-- files
|-- data
    |-- elasticsearch
    |-- cassandra

If you want to use different (local) paths, make sure to change container volumes accordingly on docker-compose.yml:

Build the docker image locally

# this will build the hilary:latest image and create all containers
docker-compose up --no-start --build oae-cassandra oae-redis oae-rabbitmq oae-elasticsearch oae-hilary

NOTE: if the previous step fails due to network problems, try changing the DNS server to Google's: or In order to do this, either use your operating system's settings or do it via the command line interface by editing /etc/resolv.conf and making sure these two lines are on top:


Install dependencies

In order to install dependencies for the frontend and the backend, we need lerna installed in order to run a one-off command for each:

# on Hilary folder
yarn run prepare-etherpad
lerna bootstrap
# then the same for 3akai-ux
cd 3akai-ux && lerna bootstrap

Create the SSL Certificate

If we're looking to use HTTPS via nginx, first we need to create the SSL certificate. You can do do that by running:

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout 3akai-ux/nginx/nginx-selfsigned.key -out 3akai-ux/nginx/nginx-selfsigned.crt

This will create two new files: 3akai-ux/nginx/nginx-selfsigned.key and 3akai-ux/nginx/nginx-selfsigned.crt.

Then, run the following command:

openssl dhparam -out 3akai-ux/nginx/dhparam.pem 2048

This may take a few minutes, but when it's done you will have the file nginx/dhparam.pem that you can use in your configuration.


Before moving on to the next step, make sure these three files exist otherwise there will be errors.

Setup nginx

Open the file nginx.docker.conf and make sure these lines:

server oae-hilary:2000;
server oae-hilary:2001;


server; # `` is the IP address of the host machine, which can be obtained by running `/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }'` from any container (e.g. `docker exec -it oae-nginx sh`).

If you're using mac osx, you'll need to use the external IP address (e.g. en0) instead of the docker0 IP address for oae-nginx to access Hilary, like this:

server; # assuming is the external network IP address
server; # assuming is the external network IP address

Run migrations

Before running the app we need to ensure the schema exists on the database. To achieve that we need to run

yarn run migrate

If the database settings are correct (config.js) then the output should resemble the following:


Run the server and the containers

Now run docker-compose up -d oae-cassandra oae-redis oae-elasticsearch oae-nginx and then docker-compose logs -f to check the logs for all containers.

You may then run yarn run all locally on the terminal to start the server, ethercalc and etherpad


Set up external authentication strategies (optional)

In order to set up twitter authentication, you'll need to set your twitter dev account environment variables like this:

export TWITTER_KEY="<your key here>"
export TWITTER_SECRET"="<your secret here>"

Same thing goes for google auth and facebook auth. The environment variables for each are:



This is enough to run all the tests locally in a dev environment. For production purposes, all environment variables can and should be overwritten by the admin in the tenant configuration form.

Change the /etc/hosts file

OAE is a multi-tenant system that discriminates the tenant by the host name with which you are accessing the server. In order to support the "Global Tenant" (i.e., the tenant that hosts the administration UI) and a "User Tenant", you will need to have at least 2 different host names that point to your server. To do this, you will need to add the following entries to your /etc/hosts file:

Where is the hostname that we will use to access the global administration tenant and would be one of many potential user tenant hosts. After making this change, you should now be able to visit \o/

Change the docker-compose DNS entries

This same DNS information must be made explicit in the docker-compose.yml file, to make sure that the oae-hilary container can connect to the oae-nginx container holding HTTP server (for instance, for preview processing purposes). Go to the file and look for the following section:

- ""
- ""

As you see, we already included both and, both associated with the oae-nginx static IP. If you're looking to add an extra host, say,, then you should add the following line and you're good to go:

- ""

Creating your first user tenant

When you start the server, all data schemas will be created for you if they don't already exist. A global administrator user and global administration tenant will be ready for you as well. You can use these to create a new user tenant that hosts the actual OAE user interface.

  1. Visit (substitute "" with the administration host you configured in /etc/hosts)
  2. Log in with username and password: administrator / administrator
  3. Click the "Tenants" header to open up the actions
  4. Click "Create tenant"
  5. Choose an alias (a short, unique 2-5 character alphanumeric string such as "oae"), and a name of your liking.
  6. For the Host field, use the host you configured for your user tenant in /etc/hosts (e.g., "")
  7. Click "Create new tenant"

You can now access the user tenant by their host and start creating new users.

Creating your first user

To create a new user, use either the Sign Up link at the top left, or the Sign In link at the top right.

Tip: OAE requires that users have an email address that is verified VIA an email that is sent to the user. To avoid the requirement of having a valid email server configuration, you can instead watch the app server logs when a user is created or their email address is updated. When is set to true in config.js, the content of the verification email can be seen in the logs, and you can copy/paste the email verification link from the log to your browser to verify your email. The URL will look similar to:

We're looking forward to seeing your contributions to the OAE project!

Running tests

To run tests just make sure you have installed all dependencies (lerna bootstrap) and run yarn run test. To run tests on a specific module, just append its path as follows: yarn run test-module -- packages/oae-principals/tests.

Get in touch

The project website can be found at The project blog will be updated with the latest project news from time to time.

The mailing list used for Apereo OAE is [email protected]. You can subscribe to the mailing list at

Bugs and other issues can be reported in our issue tracker and we're always available to help in our discord channel.


Open Academic Environment (OAE) Back-End



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