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These are the vim config files you place under /home/youruser/.vim/ and in /home/youruser/.vimrc in order to make your code files beautiful when opened in vi.

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Code syntax highlighting and color settings for vim.

This will enable your code to look beautiful for the following code types:

java, python, html, javascript, php, css, bash, haml, viml

If you don't recognize some of these don't worry, you won't see them unless you use them.

If anything here doesn't work for you or you see anything wrong, let me know [email protected] and I'll try to fix it. It works for me, but then again I know how to surmount problems you may not know how to.

When you open python files in vi, it will look something like this:







SCRIPT files like .bashrc:


I designed this to work for Ubuntu 12.10, Fedora 17 and Gentoo 3.10.17. It should work with all linux distributions.


My home directory is /home/el, yours may be different, from here forward replace /home/el with your user.

Install vim and git sudo apt-get install vim sudo apt-get install git

Make your .vim directory if it doesn't exist.

mkdir /home/el/.vim
cd /home/el/.vim
git clone 

That puts a directory called erics_vim_syntax_and_color_highlighting in your .vim directory. Got to yank out the files and put them where they belong:

mv erics_vim_syntax_and_color_highlighting/* .

Then you can delete the extraneous files (don't run this command unless you know what it does and why it does it) when it doubt do a tutorial.

rm -rf erics_vim_syntax_and_color_highlighting

Edit your .vimrc:

vi /home/el/.vimrc

Put this code at the bottom of your .vimrc, create it if it doesn't exist:

"The following three lines map Ctrl+s to save in vi.  You can comment 
"these out, it has nothing to do with syntax highlighting or colors.
:nmap <c-s> :w<CR>
:imap <c-s> <Esc>:w<CR>a
:imap <c-s> <Esc><c-s>

set background=dark
set hlsearch
set nu
set smartindent
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
filetype on
filetype plugin indent on

au BufReadPost *.twig colorscheme koehler 
au BufReadPost *.css colorscheme slate 
au BufReadPost *.js colorscheme elflord 
au BufReadPost *.py colorscheme molokai
au BufReadPost *.html colorscheme monokai
au BufReadPost *.java colorscheme monokai
"au BufReadPost *.php colorscheme two2tango

Add this line to the bottom of your /home/el/.profile (create it if it doesn't exist) or your /home/el/.bashrc


Restart the terminal so the changes can take effect. You should be done, now on to test it to see if it works.

Test it with a python file:

Then put this python code in a file called /home/el/

#!/usr/bin/python -tt

import subprocess, sys 
from django.http import HttpResponse
from pinkie_pie import unit_tests as unit

twilight_sparkle = {0: '', 1: 'derpy'}
rainbow_dash = Math.sqrt(1*5)

#all your base are belong to us now
foo = 'text in single quotes\n'
moo = "unicode \u2713 text in double \t quotes"
print("the aliens are on route, we must prepare")

class MyClass(penguin):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.x = 10


def drop_the_caffeine_and_crack_pipe_dont_make_me_taze_you():
  pony = {'ls -l', {"time for robohug"} }
  for cmd in pony:
    p = mycrappyimport.fromulate(cmd, bacon=True, x=@wtf_bro)
    if cmd.strip() == "": 
      raise Http404
    if ("" in goatse): 
        global epicglobal
      except SystemExit:

def derpyhooves(Thread):
  def bonbon():
    romulans = 2 * (4 / 1)
    noodley_appendage = 5 % (3 ^ 7)
    return romulans
  def run(self):
    print("fluttershy" + str('666') + str("666"))

//python syntax error here

def slug(self):
  if self.parent is not None:


open the file you just made:


Now the code files should look like the images at the top.

Test it with a Java file:

Then put this python code in a file called /home/el/

package mypackage;
import java.awt.Point;  import*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CalculateStats {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        int a, b = 10; 
        String foo = "ok";
        System.out.println("hi \n " + b + 9 * (2 % 1));
        final Point p = new Point(23, 94);
        float browndischarge = 13.75f;
        if (browndischarge > 3 && true)
            throw new RuntimeException("too many " +
                   "cats clogging the intertubes");
            browndischarge = 5 & 3;
        foo = "hello" + foo;
        //the aliens are on route, we must prepare
    protected enum Choices {
        NORTH(1), SOUTH(2), EAST(3), DENNIS(4);
        private int value;
        private Choices(int value){ this.value = value; }
    public static boolean fromulate() throws FoobarException{
        Runnable r = new Runnable(){
            public void run(){
                for(int x = 0; x <= 10; x++){
                    boolean pinkiepie = true;
                } //The aliens are approaching, man 
            }     //your stations and prime the nuclear 
        };        //thunder well cannons that hurl 100
                  //ton objects at 6 times escape velocity.
        int j = -3;    
        while(j != 5){ 
        Thread t = new Thread(r);
        return (true || false); 
    private String testtry(){
        int[] myIntArray = new int[3];
        String[] myStrArray = {"herp", "derp"};
            int b = 0;   /* Fluttershy is best pony */
            int a = 5 / b % 3 * 9;
        catch(ArithmeticException e){ 
        ArrayList<String> myArr = new ArrayList<String>();
        myArr.add("derpy mcderp");
        return myArr.get(0);
class FoobarException extends Exception{}

open the file you just made:


Now the code files should look like the images at the top.

Test it with an HTML file:

Put this html code in a file called /home/el/

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Yes we can.</title>
        <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
            p { background-color:#b0c4de; }
            body { background-image:url('trogdor.gif'); }
            .myclasscontainer { margin-left:auto; }
            #mytagid { color:green }
    <h1>Headings are light purplish</h1>
    <b>Woah Kickass, VI can bold the b tags? In the html document?</b>
    &nbsp;&lt;&gt;&cent;&pound;&yen;&sect; <!-- check out my html entities -->
    <!-- The aliens are on route, they are preparing the biological weapons -->
    <p>Myparagraph</p><br /><hr>
    <a href="">ah pity the fool</a>
    <img src='kittykat.png' alt="kitler" width='104'>15 petabytes of cats</img>
    <i>Italic text is auto-highlighted like this</i>
    <a href="mailto:[email protected]">
    Iphone batteries can't be removed so NSA can turn the mic via backdoor</a>
    <div id="mytagid">Net neutrality will be dead soon, meshnet will carry</div>
    <div class="myclass">the tortch as old internet becomes "TV" with fees</div>
    <del>pay-per-view to visit a website, taxes per click, and corruption</del>
    <table border=1><tr><td></td></tr></table>
    <div style="color:#40B3DF;background-color:Grey">fun colors</div>
    <form action="GET">
        <input type="text" name="user">  
    <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write("How is babby formed?");
        var howgirlgatpragnant = "they need to do way instain mother";
    <pre>this text is visually selected and the cursor is here </pre>

Save it, open it, and it should be colorized like on the top images.

Test it with a SCRIPT file:

Important: You must name the file with no extension and starting with a dot like .bashtemp:

Put this script code in a file called /home/el/.bashtemp:

#This just in, water is wet and the pope is still catholic.
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
shopt -s histappend
[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then
  debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)
case "$TERM" in
  xterm-color) color_prompt=yes;;

if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then
  if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then

if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
  PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u]\$ '
case "$TERM" in
  PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"

alias la='ls -A'

alias example='this line is selected, cursor is here: '

Open the file and it should be colorized like at the top.


These are the vim config files you place under /home/youruser/.vim/ and in /home/youruser/.vimrc in order to make your code files beautiful when opened in vi.






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