Descripción: Proyecto final del bootcamp primera generación de iOS en Kodemia.
Se recomienda utilizar la arquitectura MVVM, para poder separar las capas del proyecto que sea entendible.
Para la estructura de carpetas, se sugiere ocupar las siguiente estructura:
Para el workflow, se recomienda utilizar conventional commits, para mas información consultar el siguiente enlace
Aqui tenemos varios ejemplos
Para nuevos feautures, usaremos feat:
feat: [[Login]] Add screen for login flow.
feat: Add sceen for login flow.
Para resolver bugs, usaremos:
fix: [[Login]] Solve problems with login flow.
fix: Solve problems with login flow.
Para la estructuras de ramas podemos usar git flow, para mas informacion dejo los siguientes enlaces:
Cuando programemos un nuevo widget (UIView), podemos seguir los siguientes prefijos:
- btn o button
- l o label
- tv o textView
- tbl o table
- cll o collection
- v o view
- ti o textInput
- iv o imageView
Description: First Kodemia bootcamp iOS generation. Cupertino Squad's Final project. (The best one. :) )
It's recommended to use MVVM architecture, to be able to separate project's layers and make them understandable.
For the structure's folder, It's suggested to use as following:
For workflow, It's recommended to use conventional commits, for more information please check the following link: enlace
Here we have some examples:
For new feautures, we use "feat":
feat: [[Login]] Add screen for login flow.
feat: Add sceen for login flow.
To solve bugs, we'll use:
fix: [[Login]] Solve problems with login flow.
fix: Solve problems with login flow.
For banch's Structures We can use "git flow". For more information here are some links:
When we program a new widget (UIView), We can use the following prefixes:
- sbtn o button
- l o label
- tv o textView
- tbl o table
- cll o collection
- v o view
- ti o textInput
- iv o imageView
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