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upload image to remote and return corresponding url. (NOT MAINTAIN ANYMORE)

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img2url transforms a local image file to an url by uploading the file to remote. img2url helps you write portable document, especially markdown file, in such a way you don't need to worry about where to place the static resource like images!

Supported remotes:

  • GitHub Repository (by default).
  • Qiqiu Object Storage.


img2url is a Python project, use pip to install:

pip install img2url

Command-Line Interface

And the CLI is pretty simple:

$ img2url --help 
    img2url [--no-clipboard] <path>
    img2url [--no-clipboard] (-m | --markdown) <path>

    --no-clipboard  Prevent copying result to clipboard.
    -m, --markdown  Return Markdown format of image url.


$ ls -al
total 56
drwxr-xr-x  4 haoxun  staff    136 Aug 13 21:26 .
drwxr-xr-x  8 haoxun  staff    272 Aug 13 21:23 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 haoxun  staff  23975 Aug 13 21:26 image1.png
-rw-r--r--@ 1 haoxun  staff   3727 Aug 13 21:26 image2.png

$ img2url image1.png

$ img2url --markdown image2.png 


User should configure img2url before actually using it, so that img2url knows where to upload the files.

Path of configuration file:

  • ~/.img2url.yml, by default.
  • IMG2URL_CONFIG_PATH, customized path.

Currently, img2url supports following remotes, remote is specified by setting remote key in configuration file. If remote is not defined, github is selected as remote by default.

Remote Field Setting
GitHub Repository remote: github
Qiqiu Object Storage remote: qiniu

Configuration of GitHub Repository

Example of .img2url.yml:

remote: github

githu_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
githu_user: img2url-testing
githu_repo: img2url-testing-travisci

  https: socks5://

Supported fields:

field required default
github_token yes -
github_user yes -
github_repo yes -
github_branch no "master"
github_path no ""
github_commiter_name no "huntzhan"
github_commiter_email no "[email protected]"
message_template_create no "{filename} created by img2url at {time}."
message_template_update no "{filename} updated by img2url at {time}."
proxies no None

Meaning of fields:

  • github_token: Personal access tokens of your GitHub account. If you don't have one, click "Generate new token" and select the "repo" scope, then record the generated token.

  • github_user: Account of GitHub.

  • github_repo: The repository to store images.

  • github_branch: If not defined, use master as the default branch.

  • github_path: Path to store the uploaded files in your repository. If not defined, use the root of repository by default.

  • proxies: If defined, use proxy to make API requests instead of connecting directly.

  • message_template_create: Message template for creating new file, supported variables: {filename}, sha, time.

  • message_template_update: Message template for updating existed file, supported variables: {filename}, sha, time.

  • github_commiter_name: Username for commit message.

  • github_commiter_email: Email for commit message.

Configuration of Qiqiu Object Storage

Example of .img2url.yml:

remote: qiniu

qiniu_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
qiniu_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
qiniu_bucket: img2url

Supported fields:

field required default
qiniu_access_key yes -
qiniu_secret_key yes -
qiniu_bucket yes -
qiniu_base_url yes -

Meaning of fields:

  • qiniu_access_key, qiniu_secret_key: Access/Secret Key
  • qiniu_bucket: the name of Qiniu object storage space.
  • qiniu_base_url: domain of Qiniu object storage space.


upload image to remote and return corresponding url. (NOT MAINTAIN ANYMORE)






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