Auxiliary code for pulling, loading reinforcement learning models based on DI-engine from the Huggingface Hub, or pushing them onto Huggingface Hub with auto-created model card.
CodeMorpheus: Generate code self-portraits with one click(一键生成代码自画像,决策型 AI + 生成式 AI)
[CVPR 2024] SmartRefine: A Scenario-Adaptive Refinement Framework for Efficient Motion Prediction
Python library for solving reinforcement learning (RL) problems using generative models (e.g. Diffusion Models).
PsyDI: Towards a Personalized and Progressively In-depth Chatbot for Psychological Measurements. (e.g. MBTI Measurement Agent)
[AAAI 2023] Official PyTorch implementation of paper "ACE: Cooperative Multi-agent Q-learning with Bidirectional Action-Dependency".
Let DI-treetensor help you simplify the structure processing!(树形运算一不小心就逻辑混乱?DI-treetensor快速帮你搞定)
OpenDILab RL HPC OP Lib, including CUDA and Triton kernel
[AAAI2024] A Perspective of Q-value Estimation on Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning
A curated list of awesome exploration RL resources (continually updated)
A curated list of Multi-Modal Reinforcement Learning resources (continually updated)
羊了个羊 + 深度强化学习(Deep Reinforcement Learning + 3 Tiles Game)
[ICLR 2023] Come & try Decision-Intelligence version of "Agar"! Gobigger could also help you with multi-agent decision intelligence study.
[CVPR 2024] LMDrive: Closed-Loop End-to-End Driving with Large Language Models
[CoRL 2022] InterFuser: Safety-Enhanced Autonomous Driving Using Interpretable Sensor Fusion Transformer
Open-Source Reproduction/Demo of the LLM Riddles Game
Decision Intelligence Platform for Autonomous Driving simulation.
A curated list of Decision Transformer resources (continually updated)
A curated list of Diffusion Model in RL resources (continually updated)
A curated list of awesome model based RL resources (continually updated)
[NeurIPS 2023 Spotlight] LightZero: A Unified Benchmark for Monte Carlo Tree Search in General Sequential Decision Scenarios (awesome MCTS)
An artificial intelligence platform for the StarCraft II with large-scale distributed training and grand-master agents.
PPO x Family DRL Tutorial Course(决策智能入门级公开课:8节课帮你盘清算法理论,理顺代码逻辑,玩转决策AI应用实践 )
OpenDILab Decision AI Engine. The Most Comprehensive Reinforcement Learning Framework B.P.
A curated list of reinforcement learning with human feedback resources (continually updated)