Gp.nvim provides you ChatGPT like sessions and instructable text/code operations in your favorite editor.
The goal is to extend Neovim with the power of GPT models in a simple unobtrusive extensible way.
Trying to keep things as native as possible - reusing and integrating well with the natural features of (Neo)vim.
- Streaming responses
- no spinner wheel and waiting for the full answer
- response generation can be canceled half way through
- properly working undo (response can be undone with a single
- Infinitely extensible via hook functions specified as part of the config
- hooks have access to everything in the plugin and are automatically registered as commands
- see Configuration and Extend functionality sections for details
- Minimum dependencies (
and optionallysox
)- zero dependencies on other lua plugins to minimize chance of breakage
- ChatGPT like sessions
- just good old neovim buffers formated as markdown with autosave and few buffer bound shortcuts
- last chat also quickly accessible via toggable popup window
- chat finder - management popup for searching, previewing, deleting and opening chat sessions
- Instructable text/code operations
- templating mechanism to combine user instructions, selections etc into the gpt query
- multimodal - same command works for normal/insert mode, with selection or a range
- many possible output targets - rewrite, prepend, append, new buffer, popup
- non interactive command mode available for common repetitive tasks implementable as simple hooks
(explain something in a popup window, write unit tests for selected code into a new buffer,
finish selected code based on comments in it, etc.) - custom instructions per repository with
(instruct gpt to generate code using certain libs, packages, conventions and so on)
- Speech to text support
- a mouth is 2-4x faster than fingers when it comes to outputting words - use it where it makes sense
(dicating comments and notes, asking gpt questions, giving instructions for code operations, ..)
- a mouth is 2-4x faster than fingers when it comes to outputting words - use it where it makes sense
-- lazy.nvim
config = function()
-- or setup with your own config (see Install > Configuration in Readme)
-- require("gp").setup(conf)
-- shortcuts might be setup here (see Usage > Shortcuts in Readme)
-- packer.nvim
config = function()
-- or setup with your own config (see Install > Configuration in Readme)
-- require("gp").setup(conf)
-- shortcuts might be setup here (see Usage > Shortcuts in Readme)
Make sure you have OpenAI API key. Get one here
and use it in the config (or setup env OPENAI_API_KEY
Also consider setting up usage limits so you won't get suprised at the end of the month.
The core plugin only needs curl
installed to make calls to OpenAI API and grep
for ChatFinder. So Linux, BSD and Mac OS should be covered.
Voice commands (:GpWhisper*
) depend on SoX
(Sound eXchange) to handle audio recording and processing:
- Mac OS:
brew install sox
- Ubuntu/Debian:
apt-get install sox
- Arch Linux:
pacman -S sox
- Redhat/CentOS:
yum install sox
- NixOS:
nix-env -i sox
Here are the default values:
local conf = {
-- required openai api key
openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
-- api endpoint (you can change this to azure endpoint)
openai_api_endpoint = "",
-- openai_api_endpoint = "https://${{model}}/chat/completions?api-version=2023-03-15-preview",
-- prefix for all commands
cmd_prefix = "Gp",
-- optional curl parameters (for proxy, etc.)
-- curl_params = { "--proxy", "http://X.X.X.X:XXXX" }
curl_params = {},
-- directory for storing chat files
chat_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("data"):gsub("/$", "") .. "/gp/chats",
-- chat model (string with model name or table with model name and parameters)
chat_model = { model = "gpt-4", temperature = 1.1, top_p = 1 },
-- chat model system prompt (use this to specify the persona/role of the AI)
chat_system_prompt = "You are a general AI assistant.",
-- chat custom instructions (not visible in the chat but prepended to model prompt)
chat_custom_instructions = "The user provided the additional info about how they would like you to respond:\n\n"
.. "- If you're unsure don't guess and say you don't know instead.\n"
.. "- Ask question if you need clarification to provide better answer.\n"
.. "- Think deeply and carefully from first principles step by step.\n"
.. "- Zoom out first to see the big picture and then zoom in to details.\n"
.. "- Use Socratic method to improve your thinking and coding skills.\n"
.. "- Don't elide any code from your output if the answer requires coding.\n"
.. "- Take a deep breath; You've got this!\n",
-- chat user prompt prefix
chat_user_prefix = "🗨:",
-- chat assistant prompt prefix
chat_assistant_prefix = "🤖:",
-- chat topic generation prompt
chat_topic_gen_prompt = "Summarize the topic of our conversation above"
.. " in two or three words. Respond only with those words.",
-- chat topic model (string with model name or table with model name and parameters)
chat_topic_gen_model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k",
-- explicitly confirm deletion of a chat file
chat_confirm_delete = true,
-- conceal model parameters in chat
chat_conceal_model_params = true,
-- local shortcuts bound to the chat buffer
-- (be careful to choose something which will work across specified modes)
chat_shortcut_respond = { modes = { "n", "i", "v", "x" }, shortcut = "<C-g><C-g>" },
chat_shortcut_delete = { modes = { "n", "i", "v", "x" }, shortcut = "<C-g>d" },
chat_shortcut_new = { modes = { "n", "i", "v", "x" }, shortcut = "<C-g>n" },
-- default search term when using :GpChatFinder
chat_finder_pattern = "topic ",
-- command config and templates bellow are used by commands like GpRewrite, GpEnew, etc.
-- command prompt prefix for asking user for input
command_prompt_prefix = "🤖 ~ ",
-- command model (string with model name or table with model name and parameters)
command_model = { model = "gpt-4", temperature = 1.1, top_p = 1 },
-- command system prompt
command_system_prompt = "You are an AI working as code editor.\n\n"
.. "Start and end your answer with:\n\n```",
-- auto select command response (easier chaining of commands)
command_auto_select_response = true,
-- templates
template_selection = "I have the following code from {{filename}}:"
.. "\n\n```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n{{command}}",
template_rewrite = "I have the following code from {{filename}}:"
.. "\n\n```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n{{command}}"
.. "\n\nRespond exclusively with the snippet that should replace the code above.",
template_append = "I have the following code from {{filename}}:"
.. "\n\n```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n{{command}}"
.. "\n\nRespond exclusively with the snippet that should be appended after the code above.",
template_prepend = "I have the following code from {{filename}}:"
.. "\n\n```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n{{command}}"
.. "\n\nRespond exclusively with the snippet that should be prepended before the code above.",
template_command = "{{command}}",
-- Whisper costs $0.006 / minute (rounded to the nearest second)
-- by eliminating silence and speeding up the tempo of the recording
-- we can reduce the cost by 50% or more and get the results faster
-- directory for storing whisper files
whisper_dir = "/tmp/gp_whisper",
-- multiplier of RMS level dB for threshold used by sox to detect silence vs speech
-- decibels are negative, the recording is normalized to -3dB =>
-- increase this number to pick up more (weaker) sounds as possible speech
-- decrease this number to pick up only louder sounds as possible speech
-- you can disable silence trimming by setting this a very high number (like 1000.0)
whisper_silence = "1.75",
-- whisper max recording time (mm:ss)
whisper_max_time = "05:00",
-- whisper tempo (1.0 is normal speed)
whisper_tempo = "1.75",
-- example hook functions (see Extend functionality section in the README)
hooks = {
InspectPlugin = function(plugin, params)
print(string.format("Plugin structure:\n%s", vim.inspect(plugin)))
print(string.format("Command params:\n%s", vim.inspect(params)))
-- GpImplement rewrites the provided selection/range based on comments in the code
Implement = function(gp, params)
local template = "Having following from {{filename}}:\n\n"
.. "```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n"
.. "Please rewrite this code according to the comment instructions."
.. "\n\nRespond only with the snippet of finalized code:"
nil, -- command will run directly without any prompting for user input
-- your own functions can go here, see README for more examples like
-- :GpExplain, :GpUnitTests.., :GpBetterChatNew, ..
-- call setup on your config
-- shortcuts might be setup here (see Usage > Shortcuts in Readme)
Have ChatGPT experience directly in neovim:
- open fresh chat in the current window
(either empty or with the visual selection or specified range as a context) -
- paste the selection or specified range to the latest chat (simplifies adding code from multiple files into a single chat buffer) -
- open chat in toggleable popup window
(the last active chat or a fresh one with selection or a range as a context) -
- open a dialog to search through chats -
- request new gpt response for the current chat -
:GpChatRespond N
- request new gpt response with only last N messages as a context
(using everything from the end up to Nth instance of🗨:..
is like asking a question in a new chat) -
- delete the current chat
when calling
you can also specify where to display chat using subcommands: -
Ask GPT and get response to the specified output:
- answer replaces the current line, visual selection or range:GpAppend
- answers after the current line, visual selection or range:GpPrepend
- answers before the current line, selection or range:GpEnew
- answers into new buffer:GpPopup
- answers into pop up window:GpImplement
- default example hook command for finishing the code
based on comments provided in visual selection or specified range
all these command work either:
- as pure user commands without any other context in normal/insert mode
- with current selection (using whole lines) as a context in visual/Visual mode
- with specified range (such as
for the entire current buffer =>:%GpRewrite
Voice commands transcribed by Whisper API:
- transcription replaces the current line, visual selection or range:GpWhisperRewrite
- answer replaces the current line, visual selection or range:GpWhisperAppend
- answers after the current line, visual selection or range:GpWhisperPrepend
- answers before the current line, selection or range:GpWhisperEnew
- answers into new buffer:GpWhisperPopup
- answers into pop up window
To stop the stream of currently running gpt response you can use
Run your own custom hook commands:
- inspect GPT prompt plugin object
Commands like GpRewrite
, GpAppend
etc. run asynchronously and generate event GpDone
, so you can define autocmd (like auto formating) to run when gp finishes:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "User" }, {
pattern = {"GpDone"},
callback = function(event)
print("event fired:\n", vim.inspect(event))
-- local b = event.buf
-- DO something
You can make
(markdown) file in a root of a repository and commands such as :GpRewrite
, :GpAppend
will respect instructions provided in this file (works better with gpt4, gpt 3.5 doesn't always listen to system commands). For example:
Use C++17.
Use Testify library when writing Go tests.
Use Early return/Guard Clauses pattern to avoid excessive nesting.
event +
custom instructions provide a possibility to run gp.nvim using headless (neo)vim from terminal or shell script. So you can let gp run edits accross many files if you put it in a loop.
If user says hello, please respond with:
Ahoy there!
calling gp.nvim from terminal/script:
- register autocommand to save and quit nvim when Gp is done
- second jumps to occurrence of something I want to rewrite/append/prepend to (in this case number
) - selecting the line
- calling gp.nvim acction
$ nvim --headless -c "autocmd User GpDone wq" -c "/3" -c "normal V" -c "GpAppend hello there" test
resulting test
Ahoy there!
There are no default global shortcuts to mess with your own config. Bellow are examples for you to adjust or just use directly.
You can use the good old vim.keymap.set
and paste the following after require("gp").setup(conf)
(or anywhere you keep shortcuts if you want them at one place).
local function keymapOptions(desc)
return {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
nowait = true,
desc = "GPT prompt " .. desc,
-- Chat commands
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>c", "<cmd>GpChatNew<cr>", keymapOptions("New Chat"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>t", "<cmd>GpChatToggle<cr>", keymapOptions("Toggle Popup Chat"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>f", "<cmd>GpChatFinder<cr>", keymapOptions("Chat Finder"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>c", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat New"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>v", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatPaste<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat Paste"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>t", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatToggle<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Popup Chat"))
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "i" }, "<C-g><C-x>", "<cmd>GpChatNew split<cr>", keymapOptions("New Chat split"))
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "i" }, "<C-g><C-v>", "<cmd>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", keymapOptions("New Chat vsplit"))
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "i" }, "<C-g><C-t>", "<cmd>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", keymapOptions("New Chat tabnew"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g><C-x>", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew split<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat New split"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g><C-v>", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat New vsplit"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g><C-t>", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat New tabnew"))
-- Prompt commands
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>r", "<cmd>GpRewrite<cr>", keymapOptions("Inline Rewrite"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>a", "<cmd>GpAppend<cr>", keymapOptions("Append"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>b", "<cmd>GpPrepend<cr>", keymapOptions("Prepend"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>e", "<cmd>GpEnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Enew"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>p", "<cmd>GpPopup<cr>", keymapOptions("Popup"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>r", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpRewrite<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Rewrite"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>a", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpAppend<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Append"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>b", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpPrepend<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Prepend"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>e", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpEnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Enew"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>p", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpPopup<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Popup"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i", "v", "x"}, "<C-g>s", "<cmd>GpStop<cr>", keymapOptions("Stop"))
-- optional Whisper commands
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>w", "<cmd>GpWhisper<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>R", "<cmd>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", keymapOptions("Inline Rewrite"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>A", "<cmd>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", keymapOptions("Append"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>B", "<cmd>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", keymapOptions("Prepend"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>E", "<cmd>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Enew"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>P", "<cmd>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", keymapOptions("Popup"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>w", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisper<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>R", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Rewrite"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>A", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Append"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>B", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Prepend"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>E", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Enew"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>P", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Popup"))
Or go more fancy by using which-key.nvim plugin:
-- VISUAL mode mappings
-- s, x, v modes are handled the same way by which_key
-- ...
["<C-g>"] = {
c = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew<cr>", "Visual Chat New" },
v = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatPaste<cr>", "Visual Chat Paste" },
t = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatToggle<cr>", "Visual Popup Chat" },
["<C-x>"] = { ":'<,'>GpChatNew split<CR>", "Visual Chat New split" },
["<C-v>"] = { ":'<,'>GpChatNew vsplit<CR>", "Visual Chat New vsplit" },
["<C-t>"] = { ":'<,'>GpChatNew tabnew<CR>", "Visual Chat New tabnew" },
r = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpRewrite<cr>", "Visual Rewrite" },
a = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpAppend<cr>", "Visual Append" },
b = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpPrepend<cr>", "Visual Prepend" },
e = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpEnew<cr>", "Visual Enew" },
p = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpPopup<cr>", "Visual Popup" },
s = { "<cmd>GpStop<cr>", "Stop" },
-- optional Whisper commands
w = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisper<cr>", "Whisper" },
R = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", "Whisper Visual Rewrite" },
A = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", "Whisper Visual Append" },
B = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", "Whisper Visual Prepend" },
E = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", "Whisper Visual Enew" },
P = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", "Whisper Visual Popup" },
-- ...
}, {
mode = "v", -- VISUAL mode
prefix = "",
buffer = nil,
silent = true,
noremap = true,
nowait = true,
-- NORMAL mode mappings
-- ...
["<C-g>"] = {
c = { "<cmd>GpChatNew<cr>", "New Chat" },
t = { "<cmd>GpChatToggle<cr>", "Toggle Popup Chat" },
f = { "<cmd>GpChatFinder<cr>", "Chat Finder" },
["<C-x>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew split<cr>", "New Chat split" },
["<C-v>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", "New Chat vsplit" },
["<C-t>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", "New Chat tabnew" },
r = { "<cmd>GpRewrite<cr>", "Inline Rewrite" },
a = { "<cmd>GpAppend<cr>", "Append" },
b = { "<cmd>GpPrepend<cr>", "Prepend" },
e = { "<cmd>GpEnew<cr>", "Enew" },
p = { "<cmd>GpPopup<cr>", "Popup" },
s = { "<cmd>GpStop<cr>", "Stop" },
-- optional Whisper commands
w = { "<cmd>GpWhisper<cr>", "Whisper" },
R = { "<cmd>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", "Whisper Inline Rewrite" },
A = { "<cmd>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", "Whisper Append" },
B = { "<cmd>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", "Whisper Prepend" },
E = { "<cmd>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", "Whisper Enew" },
P = { "<cmd>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", "Whisper Popup" },
-- ...
}, {
mode = "n", -- NORMAL mode
prefix = "",
buffer = nil,
silent = true,
noremap = true,
nowait = true,
-- INSERT mode mappings
-- ...
["<C-g>"] = {
c = { "<cmd>GpChatNew<cr>", "New Chat" },
t = { "<cmd>GpChatToggle<cr>", "Toggle Popup Chat" },
f = { "<cmd>GpChatFinder<cr>", "Chat Finder" },
["<C-x>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew split<cr>", "New Chat split" },
["<C-v>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", "New Chat vsplit" },
["<C-t>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", "New Chat tabnew" },
r = { "<cmd>GpRewrite<cr>", "Inline Rewrite" },
a = { "<cmd>GpAppend<cr>", "Append" },
b = { "<cmd>GpPrepend<cr>", "Prepend" },
e = { "<cmd>GpEnew<cr>", "Enew" },
p = { "<cmd>GpPopup<cr>", "Popup" },
s = { "<cmd>GpStop<cr>", "Stop" },
-- optional Whisper commands
w = { "<cmd>GpWhisper<cr>", "Whisper" },
R = { "<cmd>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", "Whisper Inline Rewrite" },
A = { "<cmd>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", "Whisper Append" },
B = { "<cmd>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", "Whisper Prepend" },
E = { "<cmd>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", "Whisper Enew" },
P = { "<cmd>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", "Whisper Popup" },
-- ...
}, {
mode = "i", -- INSERT mode
prefix = "",
buffer = nil,
silent = true,
noremap = true,
nowait = true,
You can extend/override the plugin functionality with your own, by putting functions into config.hooks
Hooks have access to everything (see InspectPlugin
example in defaults) and are
automatically registered as commands (GpInspectPlugin
Here are some more examples:
-- example of adding command which writes unit tests for the selected code UnitTests = function(gp, params) local template = "I have the following code from {{filename}}:\n\n" .. "```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n" .. "Please respond by writing table driven unit tests for the code above." gp.Prompt(params, gp.Target.enew, nil, gp.config.command_model, template, gp.config.command_system_prompt) end,
-- example of adding command which explains the selected code Explain = function(gp, params) local template = "I have the following code from {{filename}}:\n\n" .. "```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n" .. "Please respond by explaining the code above." gp.Prompt(params, gp.Target.popup, nil, gp.config.command_model, template, gp.config.chat_system_prompt) end,
-- example of usig enew as a function specifying type for the new buffer CodeReview = function(gp, params) local template = "I have the following code from {{filename}}:\n\n" .. "```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n" .. "Please analyze for code smells and suggest improvements." gp.Prompt(params, gp.Target.enew("markdown"), nil, gp.config.command_model, template, gp.config.command_system_prompt) end
-- example of making :%GpChatNew a dedicated command which -- opens new chat with the entire current buffer as a context BufferChatNew = function(gp, _) -- call GpChatNew command in range mode on whole buffer vim.api.nvim_command("%" .. gp.config.cmd_prefix .. "ChatNew") end,
-- example of adding a custom chat command with non-default parameters -- (configured default might be gpt-3 and sometimes you might want to use gpt-4) BetterChatNew = function(gp, params) local chat_model = { model = "gpt-4", temperature = 0.7, top_p = 1 } local chat_system_prompt = "You are a general AI assistant." gp.cmd.ChatNew(params, chat_model, chat_system_prompt) end,
The raw plugin text editing method Prompt
has seven aprameters:
is a table passed to neovim user commands,Prompt
currently uses:range, line1, line2
to work with rangesargs
so instructions can be passed directly after command (:GpRewrite something something
params = { args = "", bang = false, count = -1, fargs = {}, line1 = 1352, line2 = 1352, mods = "", name = "GpChatNew", range = 0, reg = "", smods = { browse = false, confirm = false, emsg_silent = false, hide = false, horizontal = false, keepalt = false, keepjumps = false, keepmarks = false, keeppatterns = false, lockmarks = false, noautocmd = false, noswapfile = false, sandbox = false, silent = false, split = "", tab = -1, unsilent = false, verbose = -1, vertical = false } }
specifying where to direct GPT response- enew can be used as a function so you can pass in a filetype
for the new buffer (
M.Target = { rewrite = 0, -- for replacing the selection, range or the current line append = 1, -- for appending after the selection, range or the current line prepend = 2, -- for prepending before the selection, range or the current line popup = 3, -- for writing into the popup window -- for writing into a new buffer ---@param filetype nil | string # nil = same as the original buffer ---@return table # a table with type=4 and filetype=filetype enew = function(filetype) return { type = 4, filetype = filetype } end, }
- enew can be used as a function so you can pass in a filetype
for the new buffer (
- string used similarly as bash/zsh prompt in terminal, when plugin asks for user command to gpt.
- if
, user is not asked to provide input (for specific predefined commands - document this, explain that, write tests ..) - simple
🤖 ~
might be used or you could use different msg to convey info about the method which is called
(🤖 rewrite ~
,🤖 popup ~
,🤖 enew ~
,🤖 inline ~
, etc.)
template of the user message send to gpt
string can include variables bellow:
name Description {{filetype}}
filetype of the current buffer {{selection}}
last or currently selected text {{command}}
instructions provided by the user
- See gpt api intro
- optional string serving as a default for input prompt (for example generated from speech by Whisper)