To run the algorithm on KITTI sequence 00. Change consensus_average
value in the corresponding config file to switch between original MSCKF and our propose distributed MSCKF with consensus averaging.
python run.py --dataset kitti --data_id 00
To run it on simulation with 15 robots. Change consensus_average
value in the corresponding config file to switch between original MSCKF and our propose distributed MSCKF with consensus averaging.
python run.py --dataset simulated --data_id nrobot_15
To evaluate the results on KITTI sequence 00
python evaluate_results.py --dataset kitti --data_id 00
To evaluate the results on simulation with 15 robots
python evaluate_results.py --dataset simulated --data_id nrobot_15
If you find this work useful, please consider to cite our paper:
title={{Multi-Robot Object SLAM using Distributed Variational Inference}},
author={Cao, Hanwen and Shreedharan, Sriram and Atanasov, Nikolay},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.18331},