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This is the handout directory for the 15-213 C Lab. 

Running the autograders:

Before running the autograders, compile your code to create the testing program qtest
    linux> make

Check the correctness of your code:
    linux> make test

Using qtest:

qtest provides a command interpreter that can create and manipulate queues.

Run ./qtest -h to see the list of command-line options

When you execute ./qtest, it will give a command prompt "cmd>".  Type
"help" to see a list of available commands


# You will handing in these two files
queue.h                 Modified version of declarations including new fields you want to introduce
queue.c                 Modified version of queue code to fix deficiencies of original code

# Tools for evaluating your queue code
Makefile                Builds the evaluation program qtest
README                  This file*              The C lab driver program, runs qtest on a standard set of traces

# Helper files

console.{c,h}:          Implements command-line interpreter for qtest
report.{c,h}:           Implements printing of information at different levels of verbosity
harness.{c,h}:          Customized version of malloc and free to provide rigorous testing framework
qtest.c                 Code for qtest

# Trace files

traces/trace-XX-CAT.cmd Trace files used by the driver.  These are input files for qtest.
                        They are short and simple.  We encourage to study them to see what tests are being performed.
                        XX is the trace number (1-15).  CAT describes the general nature of the test.

traces/trace-eg.cmd:    A simple, documented trace file to demonstrate the operation of qtest