quick demo to demonstrate the benefit of Neochrom thanks ToucheGFX designer on STM32H7RS DK
Example of debug authentication functionality with certificate and default ST credential
This repository contains information about LEGO Hubs (name, battery level, etc.) and to interact with any sensors and motors connected to it.
LAYOUT FILES: Rotary encoder + microcontroller. Sends commands via serial.
Logos and other potentially useful graphical elements for KiCad
LAYOUT FILES: KiCad footprints useful for PCB panelization (mouse-bites...).
ESP8266-based PCB and code for WiFi communication with DALI-based devices
Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad, EasyEDA, Eagle, Fusion360 and Allegro PCB designer
Full firmware package for STM32C0 series containing CMSIS, HAL-LL, BSP drivers, MW libraries, and a set of projects ready for use on STM32C0 boards
A Python plugin for Domoticz to controll IKEA Gateway
Control your miLights iBox2 V6 with Domoticz
translates MQTT to JSON for Domoticz connection
MQTT discovery plugin for Domoticz
A plugin for Domoticz, the open source home automation platform.
A Javascript module to interface with LEGO Powered Up components.
Examples code for Padauk µCs to be compiled with the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)
A desktop app to import, edit and export fonts as byte arrays for use in embedded systems