This library is an asynchronous and easy-to-use high level ssh client library for rust with the tokio runtime. Powered by the rust ssh implementation russh.
- Connect to an SSH Host
- Execute commands on the remote host
- Get the stdout and exit code of the command
tokio = "1"
async-ssh2-tokio = "0.8.7"
use async_ssh2_tokio::client::{Client, AuthMethod, ServerCheckMethod};
async fn main() -> Result<(), async_ssh2_tokio::Error> {
// if you want to use key auth, then use following:
// AuthMethod::with_key_file("key_file_name", Some("passphrase"));
// or
// AuthMethod::with_key_file("key_file_name", None);
// or
// AuthMethod::with_key(key: &str, passphrase: Option<&str>)
let auth_method = AuthMethod::with_password("root");
let mut client = Client::connect(
("", 22),
let result = client.execute("echo Hello SSH").await?;
assert_eq!(result.stdout, "Hello SSH\n");
assert_eq!(result.exit_status, 0);
let result = client.execute("echo Hello Again :)").await?;
assert_eq!(result.stdout, "Hello Again :)\n");
assert_eq!(result.exit_status, 0);
- install docker and docker-compose
- run shell script