function hxsggsz(): string {
const name: string = 'victor hugo';
const age: number = 20;
const especialization: string = 'Full Stack Developer';
return `Hello! My name is ${name}, I'm ${age} and I'm a ${especialization}.`;
About Me
🔭 Currently, I am a contributor to the Devhatt OSS.
🌱 I’m currently learning Golang.
👯 I’m looking to fullstack jobs.
💬 Ask me about Typescript, React, Next and Node.
🫡 Fun fact: Sou Brasileiro!
Here is my portifolio
🔭 Currently, I am a contributor to the Devhatt OSS.
🌱 I’m currently learning Golang.
👯 I’m looking to fullstack jobs.
💬 Ask me about Typescript, React, Next and Node.
🫡 Fun fact: Sou Brasileiro!
Here is my portifolio