Hypergeometrica aims to democratize the calculation of pi to trillions of digits. As of March 2020, the software used to break world-record computations has remained closed source. This has been a 20+ year trend, and includes famous software such as y-cruncher, TachusPI, PiFast, and SuperPi.
Please watch this introductory video.
CL-USER> (asdf:load-system :hypergeometrica)
CL-USER> (in-package :hypergeometrica)
HYPERGEOMETRICA> (compute-pi/ramanujan 100)
HYPERGEOMETRICA> (compute-pi/chudnovsky 100)
HYPERGEOMETRICA> (compute-e 100)
Unfortunately, Hypergeometrica cannot yet calculate pi in a competent way. What you see above does actually compute pi, but is taking a few very inefficient shortcuts. In order to be efficient, Hypergeometrica needs some additional key routines, such as high-precision division and square roots.
Hypergeometrica is a Lisp library for performing extremely fast, extremely high-precision arithmetic. At the heart of it all are routines for doing fast multiplication. Hypergeometrica aims to support:
Fast in-core multiplication using a variety of algorithms, from schoolbook to floating-point FFTs.
Fast in-core multiplication for extremely huge numbers using exact convolutions via number-theoretic transforms. This is enabled by extremely fast 64-bit modular arithmetic.
Fast out-of-core multiplication using derivatives of the original Cooley-Tukey algorithm.
On top of multiplication, one can build checkpointed algorithms for computing a variety of classical constants, like pi.
It's a Lisp library that takes advantage of assembly code via SBCL's VOP facilities.
It would probably be easier to get higher performance quicker in C or C++, but there's a lot of non-hot-loop code (such as calculating suitable primes) that are better served without the baggage of a low-level language.
There's a test suite, I recommend looking at that to see what (should be) working. In any case, a short list of features:
Code to compute "suitable primes" for number-theoretic transforms.
Basic bigint routines.
An in-core number-theoretic transform employing many tricks for fast modular arithmetic.
Binary-splitting for the computation of arbitrary hypergeometric series.
In-core computation of pi, without any fancy algorithms for division, square root, or inversion.
An implementation of disk-backed bigints exists, but it's not vetted and I'm not sure it's a good architecture.
There's also a broken implementation of out-of-core multiplication called the "matrix Fourier algorithm" following Arndt. Some corner case isn't working, and I'm not even sure this is the best way to do out-of-core multiplication.
Please, yes. Even if it's just telling me to document something. File an issue!
I know a lot about {I/O, disks, computer arithmetic, assembly, SBCL, ...} but I'm not really interested in rolling up my sleeves for this project.
Please contact me so I have somebody to ask questions to!
I'm keeping a list of references.