"Virtual Core" project aims to provide several Unix-based software platforms each to be run as single-purpose operation system on virtualized environments. They are based on Tiny Core Linux and the smallest box image is 12Mb in size runnable with Vagrant/Virtualbox. There''re's been reports that they can run on QEmu as well.
- Desc.: Micro Core barebone. Nothing added. Text mode. (non-unicode, no locale)
- Files : Vagrantfile, vcore-0.5-i486-core5.0.2-c.box
- Build Date: Nov/27/2013
- Based on: Micro Core 5.0.2 i386, Linux kernel 3.8.10
- Packed for: Vagrant 1.3.5 with Virtualbox 4.3.2
- Configuration : 1 cpu / 256M mem / 4G hdd (dynamically sized)
- User/Pass : tc/vagrant
- Box Size : 12.38M
- Box MD5: 7889845e36592e54c5b8035a96dc710c
- Desc.: Unicode enabled smallest barebone. Text mode.
- Files : Vagrantfile, vcore-0.5-i486-core5.0.2.box
- Build Date: Nov/27/2013
- Based on: Micro Core 5.0.2 i386, Linux kernel 3.8.10
- Packed for: Vagrant 1.3.5 with Virtualbox 4.3.2
- Configuration : 1 cpu / 256M mem / 4G hdd (dynamically sized)
- User/Pass : tc/vagrant
- Box Size : 12.54M
- Box MD5: de3ce65f6e2b24fee7713b6c59c81fd1
- Desc.: To be the tiniest Python 2.7.x environment with full-featured Vim, Jedi. Text mode.
- Files : Vagrantfile, vcore-0.5-i486-core5.0.2-python2.7.box
- Build Date: Nov/27/2013
- Based on: Micro Core 5.0.2 i386, Linux kernel 3.8.10
- Packed for: Vagrant 1.3.5 with Virtualbox 4.3.2
- Configuration : 1 cpu / 256M mem / 4G hdd (dynamically sized)
- User/Pass : tc/vagrant
- Box Size : 32.01M
- Box MD5: f81f88a6112d2fa5289e0740bbdd37fd
- Desc.: To be the tiniest Go 1.1.2 dev kit with full-featured Vim, GoCode. Text mode.
- Files : Vagrantfile, vcore-0.5-i486-core5.0.2-golang1.1.box
- Build Date: Nov/27/2013
- Based on: Micro Core 5.0.2 i386, Linux kernel 3.8.10
- Packed for: Vagrant 1.3.5 with Virtualbox 4.3.2
- Configuration : 1 cpu / 738M mem / 4G hdd (dynamically sized)
- User/Pass : tc/vagrant
- Box Size : 82.60M
- Box MD5: fc19eb80332394ae69f99f35774f2847
- Desc.: X-Window Desktop. Packages like Chromium and OpenOffice are ready for download.
- Files : Vagrantfile-tinycore , vcore-0.5-i486-tinycore5.0.2.box
- Build Date: Nov/27/2013
- Based on: Tiny Core 5.0.2 i386, Linux kernel 3.8.10, fwdm_projects
- Packed for: Vagrant 1.3.5 with Virtualbox 4.3.2
- Configuration : 1 cpu / 256M mem / 4G hdd (dyncmically sized)
- User/Pass : tc/vagrant
- Box Size : 27.11M
- Box MD5: f745278d2eedd401322470eed1e862c1
- Desc.: Text mode. Additional packages for 64bit Core are not stable yet. Take care.
- Files : vcore-0.4-amd64-core5.0.2.box
- Build Date: Nov/12/2013
- Based on: Corepure64 5.0.2 x86_64 release_candidates, Linux kernel 3.8.10
- Packed for: Vagrant 1.3.5 with Virtualbox 4.3.2
- Configuration : 1 cpu / 256M mem / 512M hdd
- User/Pass : tc/vagrant
- Box Size : 21.86M
- Box MD5: 5bacb2e4b2d3cdf8c4ba8bb9e1494cc2
Download 'Vagrantfile' somewhere and hit
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
This project is currently in active development. Build system will change frequently. Current build system is Packer ( used to be Veewee).
- Core + Python 2.7 + fabric ( working awesomely )
- Desktop launcher
- VMware images
- Core + httpd (nginx or apache) + php : for testers
- Core + Dart + Spark + nginx (no advantage to be small ...)
- Core + Python + Gerrit
- Core + Ruby + Rails + MySQL
-- Hiroshi Yamamoto ([email protected])