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(필기자료 링크)

- 주제
- 사용 라이브러리
- 함수, 클래스, 속성 등 라이브러리가 제공하는 기능 명칭
- jupyter notebook 사용법, markdown 문법, zen of python, 파이썬 숫자형, 도움말
- antigravity, this, sys
- type, int, float, complex, bool
- 파이썬 자료형: number, string, container / container 특징: sequence, mutable, 
- keyword
- issubclass, id, dir, len
- dictionary, expression(식), statement(문), 할당문, 선언문, 반복문, 조건 판별, 조건문, interning
- this, dis
- in, and, or, not, if, else, while
- 반복문, 예외처리문, functional programming, 선언(정의)문, 매개변수, 인자
- python
- for, zip, enumerate, input, try, except, else, finally, pass, def, return
- overloading, 함수 signature, higher order function, 중첩(nested), closure, 대입문, first class function, comprehension, recursion
- python
- lambda, return, del, callable, map, global, local, 
- recursion, 피보나치 수열, iterable, iterator, generator, 객체지향 프로그래밍
- operator, itertools, collections
- reduce, map, filter, add, mul, sub, iter, next, yield, from, accumulate, count, cycle
- 선언문, decorator, 상속, magling, 몽키 패치
- matplotlib, sys
- classmethod, staticmethod, dir, vars, import, as, from
- class, magic method, overriding, duck typing, underbar 기능, composition, 다중상속, 다이아몬드 문제
- PIL, collections, inspect
- __init__, __new__, __del__, __class__, __dir__, __iter__, __next__, __doc__, __dict__, __repr__, __str__, open, mro, super, issubclass, isinstance
- descriptor, annotation, underbar(_) 용법, asterisk(*) 용법, decorator
- python
- property, __getattribute__, __getattr__, __call__, __get__, __set__, __delete__, 
- decorator, metaclass, singleton, operator overloading
- functools, time, collections
- wraps, namedtuple, type
- factory method, numpy 값 만들기, array 정보 확인, numpy와 python의 속도 차이, shallow copy, deep copy, order, numpy 값 뽑기, boolean indexing
- numpy, copy
- array, zeros, eye, identity, full, empty, _like, linspace, logspace, shape, ndim, size, dtype, itemsize, data, copy, deepcopy, lookfor
- indexing, boolean indexing, fancy indexing, Ellipsis, numpy 연산, strides, axis, ufunc(universal function), broadcasting
- numpy, operator, PIL
- vectorize, matrix, T, @(operator), strides, add, reduce, __array_interface__
- broadcasting, array 모양 바꾸기, array 쪼개기, array 합치기, 차원 확장, indexer, array 한줄로 펴기, 전치, structured array, 파일, text, binary
- numpy, pickle, pandas
- shape, dtype, reshape, resize, split, hsplit, vsplit, hstack, vstack, stack, dstack, concatenate, newaxis, expand_dims, r_, c_, s_, ix_, flatten, ravel, T, transpose, swapaxes, open, with, dump, load, save, savez, loadtxt, genfromtxt, read_csv
- 공공데이터 활용, pandas vs structured array, indexer, category, pandas indexing, EDA, Aggregation Analysis, Machine Learning 맛보기
- pandas, functools, numpy, seaborn, scikit-learn
- iloc, lov, at, iat, rename, partial, describe, percentile, columns, index, plot, pairplot, value_counts, head, tail, sample, info, groupby, KNeighborsRegressor
- input, select, output, modification
- pandas, sklearn, seaborn
- load_iris, from_dict, from_records, isin, where, query, to_csv, flat, items, iteritems, iterrows, itertuples, map, applymap, apply, set_index, drop
- tidy data, 구조변경, aggregation, multi index
- pandas, seaborn, numpy, itertools
- melt, wide_to_long, duplicated, drop, set_index, reset_index, asfarray, astype, groupby, pivot_table, crosstab, aggregate, agg, to_html, transform
- 추천 시스템
- pandas
- merge, join, pivot, stack, unstack, corr, sort_values, nlargest, intersection

[20200609\ 딥러닝 이해 - keras/tensorflow (8)]

[20200611] 딥러닝 이해 - keras/tensorflow (10)

[20200612] 최종 복습



[AI 이노베이션 스퀘어] 기본저녁반 8기 수업 필기






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