allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.hyuntae0117:android-BalloonWindow:0.1.9'
val view = TextView(this)
view.text = "position:below"
val window = BalloonWindow(this, targetView, BalloonWindow.Position.below)
window.offset = 48
window.paddingTop = 40
window.margin = 10
There are four types of positions
val window = BalloonWindow(.., .., position: Position)
Position.above: will appear above the target
Position.below: will appear below the target
Position.right: will apper right hand side of the target
Position.left: will appear left hand side of the target
You can catch when BalloonWindow
val window = BalloonWindow(.., .., ..)
window.setBalloonListener(object: BalloonWindowListener {
willAppear(window: BalloonWindow)
willDisappear(window: BalloonWindow)
didAppear(window: BalloonWindow)
didDisappear(window: BalloonWindow)