All details can be found in the NEWS file.
repository management moved from SVN to GIT, including rforge.
ToDo citation with DOI is now possible (and new CITATION file).
broken links in documentation and DESCRIPTION were removed.
'subdaily2daily' : -) now it works with several (all?) FUN functions, including 'sum', 'min', 'max'. (thanks to Jamis B…
All details can be found in the NEWS file.
repository management moved from SVN to GIT, including rforge.
ToDo citation with DOI is now possible (and new CITATION file).
broken links in documentation and DESCRIPTION were removed.
'subdaily2daily' : -) now it works with several (all?) FUN functions, including 'sum', 'min', 'max'. (thanks to Jamis Bruening !))
'monthlyfunction' : argument '...' is now taken into account.
'seasonalfunction' : argument '...' is now taken into account.
'annualfunction' : argument '...' is now taken into account.
'hydrokrige' :
- 'require(maptools)' was replaced by 'requireNamespace("maptools", quietly = TRUE)'
- calls to 'overlay' were replaced by calls to 'over' because 'overaly' was deprecated in 'sp' 1.1-0.
- new examples about how to get the interpolated values in each cell and polygon when 'type="both"' is used (thanks to Jochen Scholtes !)
'mspplot ' : 'require(maptools)' was replaced by 'requireNamespace("maptools", quietly = TRUE)'
'hypsometric' : fixed (very unusual) error: "Error en integrate(f = f, lower = 0, upper = 1) : maximum number of subdivisions reached" (thanks to Jose Martinez Batlle !)
'extract' : 'trgt' argument allows multiple months or years to be selected (when 'class(trgt) %in% c("integer", "numeric")')
- 'cex.lab' argument is working now (thanks to Elcin Tan !).
- new example about computing streamflow values corresponding to a given percentage of time equalled or exceeded (thanks to Prajjwal Panday !)
'daily2annual.zoo' : fixed bug appeared in R 3.2.x (or 3.1.2) which raised an error for data.frames when 'out.fmt="%Y"': Error in format.default(structure(as.character(x), names = names(x), dim = dim(x),
- several functions explicitly imported from the c(stats, utils, methods, graphics, grDevices) to be compatible with R 3.3.0.
- 'plot.xts' imported from 'xts' package.
- 'index' and 'time<-' imported from 'zoo' package.
- 'over', 'coordinates<-', 'proj4string<-' imported from 'sp' package.
- 'readShapePoly' imported from 'maptools' package.
- 'start', 'end' and 'window', 'aggregate' are now explicitly imported from the 'stats' package (affects 'dwi', 'izoo2rzoo' and 'monthlyfunction')
- Fifty three (53) S3 methods are now registered.
- 'sp' now requires version >= 1.1-0, because 'overlay' was deprecated in that version of 'sp'
- ToDo: -) 'xts' now requires version >= 0.9-8, because the new plot.xts is based on quantmod::chart_Series graphics engine.
- 'lattice' package was moved from 'Suggests' to 'Imports' (use of 'levelplot' function in 'matrixplot').
- 'maptools' package was moved from 'Suggests' to 'Imports' (use of 'readShapePoly' function in 'hydrokrige')
- Packages 'stats', 'utils', 'methods', 'graphics', 'grDevices' are now added in the Imports section.
- CRAN website removed from URL field in DESCRIPTION file (requested by CRAN).