Talks, blog posts, and interviews about the experience of being an open source maintainer
- @alyssais, Homebrew
- "Why I helped maintain Homebrew" (video)
- @amjith, pgcli
- "Maintainer Stories: Amjith Ramanujam" (video)
- @ariya, PhantomJS
- "Maintainer Stories: Ariya Hidayat" (interview)
- @ashfurrow, Moya
- "Building Open Source Communities" (video)
- @bbatsov, Rubocop
- "Interview with Bozhidar Batsov: The Creator’s Thoughts on RuboCop and the Ruby Style Guide" (post)
- @boneskull, Mocha
- "Maintaining a Popular Project and Managing Burnout" (interview)
- @brettcannon, Python
- @colcarroll, PyMC3
- "Two Years of Open Source" (slides/post)
- @ctb & @mr-c, khmer
- @danielbachhuber, wp-cli
- @danvet, Linux drm-intel
- @ericholscher, Read the Docs
- @fat, Bootstrap
- @fijal, PyPy
- "Open source funding" (video)
- @FooBarWidget & @prototype, Phusion Passenger
- @freakboy3742, PyBee
- "Maintainer Stories: Russell Keith-Magee" (interview)
- @gaearon, React, Redux
- "Maintaining Open Source Projects: Dan Abramov" (interview)
- @hzoo, Babel
- @janl, CouchDB
- "Sustainable Open Source: The Maintainers Perspective or: How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love Open Source" (post)
- @jeresig, jQuery
- "Walking Away From Your Open Source Project: John Resig" (interview)
- @jessfraz, Kubernetes
- "Maintainer Stories: Jess Frazelle (interview)
- @jodosha, Hanami
- @kennethreitz, requests
- "The Reality of Developer Burnout" (post)
- @kentcdodds, various
- @KrauseFx, fastlane
- "Scaling open source communities" (post)
- @kris-nova, kubernetes-kops
- "Maintainer Stories: Kris Nova" (interview)
- @Krzysztof-Cieslak, Ionide
- "OSS and Community: The Story" (post)
- @kytrinyx, Exercism
- "Maintainer Stories: Katrina Owen" (video)
- @lmccart, p5.js
- "Design, Software, and Open Source" (interview)
- @MikeMcQuaid, Homebrew
- @mlavin, Django
- "Maintaining Your Sanity While Maintaining Your Open Source App" (video)
- @mxcl, Homebrew
- "Making Homebrew: The Genesis and Growth of a Global Open Source Project" (video)
- @nolanlawson, PouchDB
- "What it feels like to be an open-source maintainer" (post)
- @Schneems, Sprockets, CodeTriage
- "Saving Sprockets - What happens when a maintainer leaves" (video, post with transcript)
- @shazow, urllib3
- "How to hand over an Open Source project to a new maintainer" (post)
- @Seldaek, Composer
- "Behind the Scenes of Maintaining an Open Source Project" (video)
- @steveklabnik, Ruby on Rails
- "How to be an open source gardener" (post)
- @stewartsmith, Skiboot
- "Organizational Change: Challenges in shipping open source firmware" (video)
- @tbrisker, Foreman
- "On maintaining Foreman" (video)
- @tgamblin, Spack
- "Open Source and Supercomputers (Spack)" (interview)
- @timgraham, Django
- "Maintainer Stories: Tim Graham" (interview)
- @yyx990803, Vue.js
Additional suggestions are welcomed! Check out for guidelines.
(NOTE: If you're a maintainer listed on here who would like to be removed, just open an issue or email me privately.)
This list is available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 License, meaning you are free to use it for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, without any attribution back to me (public domain). (If you ever want to reference me, find me here! @nayafia But you are in no way required to do so.)