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What do you call this in Ruby?

What? Name
=> hashrocket
=> heavy arrow
=> fat arrow
=> fat comma
=> rocket dagger
<=> spaceship
<=> ufo
= equal
= assignment operator
= half mesh
= gets
== equals
== unassembled hashtag
=== threequals
=== really really really equals
!= not equals
<= less than or equals
>= greater than or equals
>= greater-than-or-equal-to
=~ kind of equals
=~ matches
=~ is like
=~ eek squeak
=~ cigarette operator
=~ equal like
=~ bacon cannon
=~ pretty much
=~ tadpole
~ tilde
~ bacon
~ twiddle
~ squiggle
~> approximately greater
~> approximate
~> compatible with version
~> optimistic
~> version match operator
~> twiddlewakka
~> pessimisive match
~> pessimistic operator
~> roughly equals
~> harpoon
~> tadpole
~> sperm
~> spermy operator
~> eating bacon
# octothorpe
# hash
# pound
# mesh
-> lambda literal
-> stabby lambda
-> dash rocket
-> thin arrow
-> bee sting
||= pipe bomb
||= assign unless truthy
||= top hat operator
||= birthday cake operator
||= hammer
||= or equals
||= rose memoization
||= rose caching
||= t-square
||= duck operator
||= or-gets
||= robot duck
<%= skull tag
<%= angry squid
<%= puzzled squid
<%= cthulhu
<% clown hats
! not
! bang
! wow
!! double bang
!! bang bang
* splat
* twinkle
* star
{} braces
{} curly
{} squiggly brackets
() parens
() parentheses
() wax/wane
() southern hemisphere
() bubble
[] brackets
[] squares
[ ] squadrons
foo[0] sub
?: elvis
?: conditional operator
?: ternary if
?= Positive Lookahead
?<= Positive Lookbehind
?! Negative Lookahead
?<! Negative Lookbehind
#{} crab claws
#{} insert
** constellation
** double splat
** binary splat
**_ mosquito
!~ doesn't match
!~ bacon bat
&&= assign unless falsy
&&= and-gets
| bitwise
| pipe
&foo proc operator
&:foo symbol to proc operator
&:foo pretzel colon
&:foo salted pretzel operator
<< append operator
<< push
<< shovel
<< back shovel
<< chevron
<< exxon
<< gazinta
<< inhales
>> forward shovel
^ caret
^ hat
^ exor
^ sharkfin
^ up
@ at sign
@ strudle
@ whirlpool
@ spiral
*args stargs
/ slash
/ whack
/ solidus
\ backwhack
\ backslash
\ escape
& pretzel
& ampersand
_ unused variable
_ blank
_ trash
_ wild card
_ don't care
_ whatever
_ meh
_ undervar
_ skid
_ skim
_ underscore
_ disgraceful
!!! mad hype
!!! temporarily reverse the value of this bool to try something out, but it should stand out enough that I don't accidentally leave it in.
!!! tribble
!!! Tri-not
!!! Yoda operator
!!! bang bang bang
' sparks
" rabbit ears
? question mark
? what
? eh?
$ big money
$ dollar
% double-oh-seven
% mod
% percent
%> ice cream cone
%> waffle cone
&. lonely operator
&. safe navigation operator
&. maybe
<<~ squiggly heredoc
-@ unary operator
+@ unary operator
<<- heredoc
&:-@ surprise
trailing comma the Livingston-Gray comma
.. range
.. flip-flop
... here be dragons
... ellipsis
.? claw of demeter
&& and
|| or
:: double colon
:: namespace resolution operator

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To the extent possible under law, @JuanitoFatas has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to "what-do-you-call-this-in-ruby".


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