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kujohn edited this page Mar 25, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the mi_iot_token wiki!

Basic Concepts

MIoT-Spec Related

  • IID (Instance ID): Instance ID is expressed as a natural number, and it is incremented from 1 at each level in devices and homes.
  • DID (Device ID): DID, short for "Device ID", is assigned by the Xiaomi IoT developer platform and used as a unique identifier to identify a specific device.
  • Devices using Xiaomi Smart Modules come with a pre-installed DID.
  • The DID for BLE devices is passed to the device during device addition using the Mi Home app.
  • Devices integrated with the Xiaomi IoT platform using Android SDK or Linux SDK need to enter the DID provided by the Xiaomi IoT platform into the device.
  • SID (Service ID): Service ID = Device ID + Service Instance ID, i.e.: ::= "."
  • PID (Property ID): Property ID = Device ID + Service Instance ID + Property Instance ID, i.e.: ::= ".""."
  • AID (Action ID): Action ID = Device ID + Service Instance ID + Action Instance ID, i.e.: ::= ".""."
  • EID (Action ID): Event ID = Device ID + Service Instance ID + Event Instance ID, i.e.: ::= ".""."
  • OID (Operation ID): A string used to identify an operation, generated automatically by the platform. OID appears in the following three places:
  • The response message for setting properties includes OID.
  • The response message for executing actions includes OID.
  • The event notification includes OID, which is used to identify the operation that caused the event.

Product Control Related

  • Category: The device category is mainly the sub-type of the device, which can be modified by users. For example, if a user buys a socket and the socket type is outlet, which cannot be modified. But if the user connects a traditional fan to the socket, the user can modify the category of the socket to fan.
  • Homes/Rooms: A user can have multiple homes, and a home can have multiple rooms.


Property and Action

Your can find the devices spec:



name params Description
getDevices deviceIds(List<String>, optional) get mi cloud devices list, if not give a devices id list, will return all devices
getDeviceData did(String) get a device info by device id
getMiotProps params(List, specail params) get a device spec propties
setMiotProps params(List, specail params) set a device spec propties
miotAction params(specail params) invoke a action


  • the getMiotProps specail params is like: {"did(divice id)": "your device id", "siid(service instance id)": 2, "piid(property instance id)": 1}
  • the setMiotProps specail params is like: {"did(divice id)": "your device id", "siid(service instance id)": 2, "piid(property instance id)": 1 , "value(set the new value)": true}
  • the miotAction specail params is like: {"did(divice id)": "your device id", "siid(service instance id)": 7, "aiid(action instance id)": 1, in: [{"piid(in(piid))": 1}]}

Your can view the example config to set your device params to call the methods.

Status Code

HTTP Standard Status Code

Status Code Description
200 OK The request has succeeded.
202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. (A notification will be sent when the processing is complete.)
207 Multi-Status The message body that follows is an XML message and can contain a number of separate response codes, depending on how many sub-requests were made.

MIOT Status Code

Format: 70xxxyzzz xxx: HTTP Standard Status Code y: Error Occurred Location

Value Location
0 Client
1 Open Platform
2 Device Cloud
3 Device

zzz - Error Code

Error Code Description
000 Unknown
001 Device does not exist
002 Service does not exist
003 Property does not exist
004 Event does not exist
005 Action does not exist
006 Device description not found
007 Device cloud not found
008 Invalid ID (invalid PID, SID, AID, EID, etc.)
009 Scene does not exist
011 Device offline
013 Property cannot be read
023 Property cannot be written
033 Property cannot be subscribed
043 Property value error
034 Action return value error
015 Action execution error
025 Incorrect number of parameters in action
035 Action parameter error
036 Device operation timeout
100 The device cannot perform this operation in the current state.
101 The infrared device does not support this operation.
901 TOKEN does not exist or has expired
902 Illegal TOKEN
903 Authorization has expired
904 Voice device not authorized
905 Device is not bound
999 Function is not online