This package uses Halcon for surface matching so a valid installation of Halcon and license is required.
Create catkin workspace to build and run package
mkdir ~/catkin_ws
cd catkin_ws
mkdir ~/catkin_ws/src
For an easy setup, a rosinstall file is provided in 'install' folder of this repo which can be used to get this package and it's dependent ros packages in your workspace. In your ROS workspace use the following command:
wstool init src
If you already have a wstool workspace setup then use the following command instead:
wstool merge -t src
wstool update -t src
To use this package with I3DR's Titania stereo camera also add the following rosinstall:
wstool merge -t src
wstool update -t src
If you do not use wstool, you can download the packages using the following command:
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
The pylon_camera package used by the Titania requires the pylonSDK to be installed on your system. Please download and install the pylon debian package for your architecture from here
Look for 'pylon 6.x.x Camera Software Suite Linux x86 (64 Bit) - Debian Installer Package'
In order to build the package, you need to configure rosdep (i.e. the ROS command-line tool for checking and installing system dependencies for ROS packages) such that it knows how to resolve this dependency. This can be achieved by executing the following commands:
sudo sh -c 'echo "yaml " > /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/15-plyon_camera.list'
rosdep update
Install I3DRSGM support package:
curl > i3drsgm.deb
sudo dpkg -i i3drsgm.deb
To build with the I3DR Stereo Matcher use the following command:
catkin_make -DWITH_I3DRSGM=ON
As I3DR Stereo Matcher uses CUDA the following enviromental varaiables should be set to avoid JIT recompiling:
export CUDA_CACHE_MAXSIZE=2147483648
Contact [email protected] for a license to use this matcher. We will provide you with a license file that should be placed in the following folder after building the workspace:
To install package dependences use rodep:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Build with I3DRSGM support:
catkin_make -DWITH_I3DRSGM=ON
Source workspace build to make package available
source devel/setup.bash
This package can be run standalone but is optimised for point clouds from I3DR's Titania stereo camera.
To test the package with a point cloud (.ply) file use the provided launch file:
roslaunch i3dr_halcon_surface_matcher detect.launch point_cloud_filepath:=/path/to/pointcloud.ply
Alternatively to run with live point cloud from Titania. Plug in your Titania camera to your machine and use the following launch file to capture data from the stereo camera (add 'stereo_algorithm:=2' parameter to use the I3DRSGM stereo matcher):
roslaunch i3dr_titania titania.launch stereo_algorithm:=2
Then in a new terminal launch the Titania primitive detection:
roslaunch i3dr_halcon_surface_matcher detect.launch