Itsycal Public
Forked from sfsam/ItsycalItsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedFeb 25, 2017 -
NVActivityIndicatorView Public
Forked from ninjaprox/NVActivityIndicatorViewCollection of awesome loading animations
Swift MIT License UpdatedOct 26, 2016 -
swift-algorithm-club Public
Forked from kodecocodes/swift-algorithm-clubAlgorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
Swift MIT License UpdatedSep 28, 2016 -
UICircularProgressRing Public
Forked from luispadron/UICircularProgressRingA circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift 3
Swift MIT License UpdatedSep 21, 2016 -
CVCalendar Public
Forked from CVCalendar/CVCalendarA custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (2.0).
Swift MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2016 -
Either-TableView Public
Forked from mokacoding/Either-TableViewHow to use Either to display two types of cell in the same table view
Swift UpdatedJul 18, 2016 -
samples Public
Forked from webrtc/samplesWebRTC demos and samples
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 16, 2016 -
PushNotificationHandler Public
Forked from gtsifrikas/PushNotificationHandlerA simple library to register(optional) and handle push notifications in your app.
Swift MIT License UpdatedJul 11, 2016 -
MGEDateFormatter Public
Forked from ManueGE/NovemberA handy API to convert NSDate to NSString and back written in swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedJul 1, 2016 -
SpacemacsConfig Public
Forked from terhechte/SpacemacsConfigMy personal Spacemacs config.
Emacs Lisp UpdatedJun 30, 2016 -
PNChart Public
Forked from kevinzhow/PNChartA simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJun 22, 2016 -
FoldingTabBar.iOS Public
Forked from Yalantis/FoldingTabBar.iOSFolding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJun 17, 2016 -
MGSwipeTableCell Public
Forked from MortimerGoro/MGSwipeTableCellAn easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJun 15, 2016 -
TableViewCellWithAutoLayoutiOS8 Public
Forked from smileyborg/TableViewCellWithAutoLayoutiOS8Sample project demonstrating self-sizing table view cells in iOS 8 using Swift and Objective-C.
Swift UpdatedMay 15, 2016 -
Swift Public
Forked from jaguar07/SwiftReusable apps code. Written in Swift
Pro-iOS-Table-Views-and-Collection-Views Public
Forked from iOSDevLog/Pro-iOS-Table-Views-and-Collection-ViewsPro iOS Table Views and Collection Views
Swift GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 23, 2016 -
YCRotaryDraw Public
Forked from sn790519/YCRotaryDraw转盘抽奖
Objective-C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2015